We have helped over 60,000 people and received 1000's of Testimonials - click a category to explore.
Susan Hayward - Author of “A Guide for the Advanced Soul"
"I have practiced yoga for many years but after having a baby (my third child) I needed some exercise that would put me back in shape and that took as little time as possible to do! T5T has been exactly what I needed. Now If I miss a day or two, I feel unbalanced, uncentred, and low energy. They are so simple, yet so powerful in their effect. Thank you Carolinda!"

Paul Wilson, bestselling author of "The Little Book of Calm"
I never thought it would be possible to gain more energy and become more relaxed in only 10 minutes a day. But T5T manages just that. Amazing."

Anita Boser - author of "Relieve Stiffness and Feel Young Again with Undulation"
"When I read the Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth years ago I was intrigued by the incredible results that readers achieved. However, the exercises were too difficult for me and I hurt my shoulder doing the fourth and fifth ones. Fast forward five years and I come across T5T: The 10-Minute Rejuvenation Plan. From day one, I was able to follow the plan from the book and do the exercises every day. I feel great!
Not only does the author break the exercises into steps that reduce the risk of injury, she includes core strength and breathing exercises that make the movements accessible to people who live in an industrial society. After all, we don't have the lifestyle of Tibetan monks. I also like the warm up exercises in the book, which help me prepare for hiking and jogging.
While these are exercises for the body and they do add strength and flexibility, the biggest impact is on my energy level. I get a sense of jubilation and feeling of being carefree that lasts through the day.
I highly recommend this book for people of all activity levels. If you are too tired, this plan will give you energy. If you already are active, this is a wonderful complement to any exercise program. "...

Rajendar Menen from Bombay, Author "Karma Sutra - Essays From The Margin", Journalist from Bombay, India
"I have been doing The Five Tibetans for 20 years or so. I have always been athletic and worked out regularly but after starting T5T the changes to my body and soul have been fantastic. I wish to share them and I hope more and more people benefit from T5T.
For one, it takes very little time. You can easily squeeze it into a busy urban executive existence. All you need is 15 minutes a day. You need no equipment, no special clothes, and need very little space. I do it in hotel rooms when I travel. You can also do T5T any time, more than once if you want to every day, as long as you do it on an empty stomach. It becomes a spiritual practice over time. it is easy, inexpensive, thankfully addictive and highly beneficial on all counts. You can't wait to do it the next day.
Two, your body gets incredibly strong. You even get muscular.
Three, all the chakras are optimised and you are radiant and filled with energy. There is no room for depression and loneliness and the feelings of a 'vacuum' that afflicts a lot of mankind.
Four, you automatically hit on 'healthy' food and so your health gets even better.
Five, your heart chakra gets optimised and you get less violent and more loving and kind.
Six, whatever your age (I have shared notes), your sexual energy doesn't dilute. I mention this because this is the age of viagra and sexual enhancement. Why buy expensive and damaging chemicals when T5T does the job?!
Seven, if done slowly and with awareness, T5T leads to great spiritual journeys. You are enveloped by bliss.
Eight, you get more disciplined and your output at work and play multiplies. Life is precious and very short and you realise it and enjoy it more. You also want to share the joys of 'existence'.
I was aiming at a short testimonial!!!
Happy T5Ting. "

Roma Gaster - Corporate Consultant/Facilitator from Sydney, Australia
"As a result of doing T5T I am experiencing more energy, body strength and tone. I'm sleeping better and find that I'm more alert and aware of self and others. I have experienced physical and emotional calmness."

Amanda Hampson, bestselling author of "The Olive Sisters"
I've been interested in the Five Tibetans for some time and tried to learn it via youtube demos etc but was always concerned that I didn't really know what I was doing or why or if it was correct.
This book provides the full story (finally!) and is destined to become the bible of the Tibetan practice because it gives you everything you'll ever need to know. Looks good too!

John Gray author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"
..."T5T is an incredible and powerful program. It turns back the clock. It increases your energy, mental clarity and focus. It reduces stress, and improves strength and flexibility. It is capable of restoring your passion and zest for life if you let it. I highly recommend it for anyone willing to improve their life."...

Dr. John F. Demartini - "The Secret" Teacher - Bestselling author of The Breakthrough Experience - A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation
"T5T is simple, practical, effective and certainly mind/body altering. If you would love to become rejuvenated, remain calm, feel more vitality, be more flexible and simply look your absolute best, then now there is a new way to experience a greater state of wellbeing that takes just minutes a day, but lasts a lifetime."

Michael Grant White, “The Breathing Coach” - Executive Director of www.breathing.com and the Optimal Breathing School from NC, USA
Breathing slower, deeper and easier is vital for longevity, health and vitality. I believe that T5T can help most people become more conscious of their breathing. It can also release tension in their breathing, and often gradually expand their breathing capacity as well as slow their breathing rate. T5T will help many people to achieve the above, however there are those who may have an undetected dysfunctional breathing or what I call UDB whose next step would be my Optimal Breathing Techniques."

Anita Revel - Author of "The Goddess Diet" & "The 7 Day Chakra Workout" from WA, Australia
..."I first met the author, Carolinda Witt, in 2005 when she introduced me to the "5 Tibetans". At thetime I was sleeping badly, feeling sluggish and not enjoying life at all. I was immediately impressed with Carolinda's caring attitude and willingness to show me the five simple moves that would change my life. Carolinda was very thorough in teaching the movements correctly, which are beautifully presented in the book and poster. I am forever grateful for having been introduced to the T5T program, and absolutely recommend the book, poster and CD."...

Increased Energy
Craig Gowan - General Manager, Business & Management, Registered T5T Instructor
My interest in T5T has been fuelled by 8 years of yoga practice, all of which I enjoyed, but none of which gave me the energy boost I was after. T5T provides me with the energy I need to easily cope with the challenges of work and personal life. It gives me more focus, the stamina for long days training, and the calmness to enjoy even the most draining situations - all for 10 minutes a day!! Nothing else can give me this boost. "

Jillian Naidu - Registered T5T® Instructor, Master Practitioner NLP, Sign Language Interpreter
"'Prior to discovering T5T I had suffered from long term back pain due to an injury. I had attended physiotherapy, Pilates and hydrotherapy for several years and yet was unable to recover fully from my back weakness. Now not only has my physical strength and flexibility improved greatly, I also find the breathing to be energizing and rejuvenating allowing me to embrace challenges and function at an optimal level. ’T5T is more than a simple and effective combination of exercises. This daily sequence is simple and easy to remember providing me with the vitality, clarity, energy and motivation needed to survive a high powered city existence. "

Ineke Humphrys
"I love to start my day with T5T exercises and breathing. I then feel expansive, alive and vibrant. I am more easily able to feel the Energy within that Eckhart Tolle talks about. So thank you to Bratislav and my friend Berhadette who told me about it!"

Catherine Gross - Film Technician, Registered T5T Instructor
"Working 10 hours a day on film sets is tiring & stressful. I had real concerns about the long drives I had to take as I would often fall asleep at the wheel. Sometimes I was so tired I would nod off on the way to work. Since taking up T5T I have no such worries any more. I sleep better & wake refreshed. T5T sets me up like nothing else & a quick session at the end of the day lets me drive with confidence. It really is a life saver! "

Christine Gardner – Meals on Wheels Co-ordinator – Southern Cross Care
"T5T has made a great impact on my life. It has given me extra energy. My strength has improved and I feel more motivated. I am currently on a weight loss program and needed a good exercise program and feel T5T suits my needs. I totally enjoy T5T, which is amazing as I am not usually the type to exercise. I feel it is a way of life, which I will continue forever. "

Frank Capdevila (84 yrs)
"At 84 years of age I thought I would never have the opportunity to improve my health. I find that I am looking forward to doing T5T every day and so far people keep telling me I look so more vibrant and young. In myself I do feel well and very happy with the course. I know by persevering I will get to the top. "

Averil Coe
" The T5T is going very well. I am taking it very slowly and just doing what my body is ready for. I am now up to 7 reps of each rite though some are still fairly modified. Because I have done so much of this sort of thing over the years it is very easy to get into the routine. I get up 10 minutes earlier each week day and shower and then do the warm up and the rites. Already I am noticing a difference in my energy levels - both physically and emotionally which is very exciting - given that I am spending so little time on the activities.
I think the biggest thing for me with the T5T program is that it has given me permission to take things in very small increments and to also radically modify the positions to allow for various current body weaknesses, whilst still being able to maintain the overall integrity of the Rites. Before I felt like I had to climb a huge mountain with a weak and unprepared body which was very discouraging. I also realize and appreciate all the yoga and other spiritual practice that I have done in the past - so much of it naturally comes into play now that I am doing the T5T.
I have started taking my small yoga group again and had a very interesting experience - the first day I found that (naturally) my body was more limber and flexible and I did quite a thorough session - felt great. But the next day I felt dreadful. Naturally as I feel more energized I am tending to take a bit better care of myself - eating well, incorporating flax seed oil into my diet, taking the natural calcium supplement etc. "

Rajendar Menen from Bombay, Author "Karma Sutra - Essays From The Margin", Journalist from Bombay, India
"I have been doing The Five Tibetans for 20 years or so. I have always been athletic and worked out regularly but after starting T5T the changes to my body and soul have been fantastic. I wish to share them and I hope more and more people benefit from T5T.
For one, it takes very little time. You can easily squeeze it into a busy urban executive existence. All you need is 15 minutes a day. You need no equipment, no special clothes, and need very little space. I do it in hotel rooms when I travel. You can also do T5T any time, more than once if you want to every day, as long as you do it on an empty stomach. It becomes a spiritual practice over time. it is easy, inexpensive, thankfully addictive and highly beneficial on all counts. You can't wait to do it the next day.
Two, your body gets incredibly strong. You even get muscular.
Three, all the chakras are optimised and you are radiant and filled with energy. There is no room for depression and loneliness and the feelings of a 'vacuum' that afflicts a lot of mankind.
Four, you automatically hit on 'healthy' food and so your health gets even better.
Five, your heart chakra gets optimised and you get less violent and more loving and kind.
Six, whatever your age (I have shared notes), your sexual energy doesn't dilute. I mention this because this is the age of viagra and sexual enhancement. Why buy expensive and damaging chemicals when T5T does the job?!
Seven, if done slowly and with awareness, T5T leads to great spiritual journeys. You are enveloped by bliss.
Eight, you get more disciplined and your output at work and play multiplies. Life is precious and very short and you realise it and enjoy it more. You also want to share the joys of 'existence'.
I was aiming at a short testimonial!!!
Happy T5Ting. "

I. van Dyk from Frenchs Forest, Sydney
I've been practicing T5T since Sept 2002. Since then this routine is usually an envigorating start to my day. If I'm unable to do it first thing in the morning it's quite easy to fit in at any other time. No need for a gym and independent of the weather.
Not being a young person I initially had my doubts whether I could reach that magic number. By increasing the number of movements slowly over several weeks I had no problem reaching 21 of each and I find them easy to do. I also feel that breathing in and out during each movement is important for the supply of energy. It makes lasting the distance easier.
My wrist used to hurt in the beginning but got stronger very quickly. Arm and tummy muscles are now nice and firm too. And I find that keeping my weight down is not a problem anymore. So, it's really well worth spending 15 minutes each day. The Five Tibetans have become so much part of my routine that I can't imagine not doing them any more.

Iain McGregor. Sales Director - Biozone Scientific
"Starting your day with T5T is pure joy. The only way to start your day - every day. It rejuvenates your body, your mind and your spirit in a just few minutes each day. If I had not done it myself, I would find it impossible to appreciate its power. I urge you to add it today to your list of things to do."

John Clemones - Managing Director - Special Tools & Storage Systems Pty Ltd, Registered T5T Instructor
"I've been doing T5T every day for the last 3 years. I've lost 7 kilos in weight and it stays off without any additional effort!! I've got so much more energy and I feel better all-round. I am less stressed, happy and able to plan my days better. The stiffness in my fingers is much better - almost non-existent. My friends are always saying how much better I look. "

Jenna Clarke, SolomonYogalates Instructor, Registered T5T Instructor, Bachelor of Education
"Some days I teach 4 classes a day and find it hard to fit in a personal practice. That is how I found T5T. It gives me the energy I need to teach. Since I have been practicing T5T I have noticed that I get more things done. I don't procrastinate and I feel a greater sense of wellbeing."

Daria Levy - Production Coordinator
"Waking up more refreshed rather than feeling sluggish. More energy, more endurance, more focused and calmer."

Dr. John F. Demartini - "The Secret" Teacher - Bestselling author of The Breakthrough Experience - A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation
"T5T is simple, practical, effective and certainly mind/body altering. If you would love to become rejuvenated, remain calm, feel more vitality, be more flexible and simply look your absolute best, then now there is a new way to experience a greater state of wellbeing that takes just minutes a day, but lasts a lifetime."

Karen Bayly - Registered T5T Instructor, PhD Zoology, Certificate IV in Training & Assessment
T5T gives me the energy I need to do all the things I want to do. It has provided stability, calmness, and a place to come home to at both the best and worst times of my life. "

Win Nitschke from New Zealand
"I am a widow in my seventies, I learned how to do these Tibetan exercises some years ago at yoga, and they definitely work. I redecorated my whole house last year, all by myself, I ride a bike, play golf, do yoga, and T5T. I look after a huge garden, grow fruit and vegetables, do voluntary gardening, and have energy to spare. I feel very blessed to be where I am at this stage of life. Life is indeed wonderful. "

Percy Gailis (74 yrs)
"Since taking up T5T my fitness and energy have improved by 100%. I have also lost weight and am sleeping marvellously. All in all I feel invigorated all over. Thanks again to T5T. I am 74 years young. "

Helen Kelf - Educator & Networker
"More conscious of how I'm breathing, better clarity in thinking and an increase in energy. I feel happier and more positive. Loved the course. "

Dianna Kooiker - Melbourne
"First and foremost, Thank You! I have now practiced T5T every morning this year at 5 am and know without doubt that I will continue this practice. More energy, greater levels of concentration, unforeseen muscle toning, greater flexibility, improved circulation, the list goes on and on. Suffice to say that I am now 49 years old, I work 55 plus hours pw and have more energy than many 25 year olds! I first learnt of the 5 Tibetans whilst attending yoga classes for 2 years, I now practice on my own as I enjoy the rare solitude of the early mornings and find T5T a great way to begin a meditation each day. For this meditation I simply follow the 7 spiritual laws of yoga as described by Deepak Chopra. My very sincere thanks to you for your book and for the fantastic results that I have experienced. "

Kaye Gartner - Accupuncture, M. Health Science (TCM), Fellow AAC
"I have practiced T5T in the bedroom, at the beach, in the park; when travelling, when tired, when I didn’t really want to. My reward is a body that is lean and toned, with energy to spare. It has helped me manage peri menopausal symptoms of tiredness and low energy with ease. This is why I recommend T5T to my patients."

Greta De Tapia - Interpreter Age 79
"I am now doing 21 of each of the 5 exercises and I find it enjoyable and rewarding to do them every day. It really takes less than 20 minutes to perform them. They improve my physical, emotional and mental health. I feel more relaxed and energetic, even though this sounds like a contradiction of terms, it is a fact."

John S from South Australia
"I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnoea 3 weeks before attending my T5T weekend course in December last year. I commenced CPAP therapy a week before my course. I have now been carrying out the full 21 rites for a month after taking the 10 weeks to get there progressively, getting there by adding 2 reps per week. I have found that the combination of CPAP & T5T have certainly helped me to reduce my apnoeas (stopping breathing whilst asleep) from an average of 320 per night to zero occurrences.
The positive impact to my life has been quite amazing as it had been many years since I've woken feeling refreshed & I attribute T5T & its energy breathing methods as a major factor in this change. I am now back to a healthier & more wholesome life & thank Carolinda for sharing this simple but powerful experience with me."

Richard Meikle, Master Personal Trainer & Registered T5T Instructor
"I thought I had enough things to do to maintain my health without adding yoga to my routine. Then I tried T5T. It's amazingly simple, time effective and powerful. I noticed increased energy, greater flexibility and mental clarity. For me, the whole system including the energy breathing, really feels like it's having a big impact on my internal health. Now T5T is the first thing I do every day. That says it all."

Profound changes to my health and well-being
As a 66-year-old male, I have had a lot of small and large difficulties to try and overcome. Neck and shoulder pain, great lack of energy, coughing (I've never smoked), digestive issues, sinus issues for 30 years, prostate issues, poor sleep, feeling cold when I shouldn't be cold, cravings for sweets, and other issues I won't mention. I read about T5T when I was reading the book "Breath" by James Nestor. He devotes a small section to it in his book. I decided to look it up and found the T5T website. The price was very reasonable so I subscribed. After reading the manual and the book I started the program on February 14, 2021 (COVID lockdown was a good time to start). I followed the program exactly as outlined, watched the videos to be sure I was doing them correctly and I got to 21 repetitions of each exercise on April 18th. I ran into a couple of issues with doing the exercises but I looked them up in the manual and was able to correct them without any recurrences. Well, I'm not exaggerating if I say that these exercises are having profound changes to my health and well-being!!! I really had no expectations of these exercises helping me, I'm a sceptic about this kind of thing, especially when they appear to be too good to be true. I have done yoga on and off (mostly off) for decades and liked it. I was just not motivated enough to keep it up. These exercises are yoga-like but not a yoga program as I have experienced yoga. Besides, it takes so little time to do them that I thought I had nothing to lose. Here are some of the things I have written in my journal over the past few weeks: Neck and shoulder pain much reduced ( I was doing some plumbing today which really irritates my neck and shoulders and as I write this I am not experiencing any pain or irritation.), the silent migraines I have been experiencing for years have almost disappeared, my energy levels have increased tremendously( I used to have days that were so bad I could do nothing but sit and sleep in a recliner chair all day.), I wake up feeling rested, breathing is better (likely due to all of the controlled breathing that the exercises require) and almost no coughing, sinus pain and headaches gone and very little post nasal drip (again likely due to the controlled nasal breathing), far less grumpy (that happens to some of us older guys), less cold, digestion much improved and much, much more. I just notice that as each week passes I am feeling better and better. The only change I have made in my life has been adding the T5T exercises. The course was very clearly outlined, loved the videos showing how to do the exercises, loved the sections on what to do if you run into issues doing the exercises (I used these several time to correct posture and remedy pain issues (especially in my wrists). I'm not able to do the exercises in 10 minutes as it appears some are able to do but I'm not in a hurry, no races to win and I actually find it helps to slow down a bit as I can focus on correct technique. For the price, it is a bargain and for what it has done for me I would pay much more to find a program that is having profoundly good changes to my life. Thanks, Robert

Subscriber to the online T5T program
John Gray author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"
..."T5T is an incredible and powerful program. It turns back the clock. It increases your energy, mental clarity and focus. It reduces stress, and improves strength and flexibility. It is capable of restoring your passion and zest for life if you let it. I highly recommend it for anyone willing to improve their life."...

Paul Wilson, bestselling author of "The Little Book of Calm"
I never thought it would be possible to gain more energy and become more relaxed in only 10 minutes a day. But T5T manages just that. Amazing."

Barbara Mair – Treasurer 55+ Club
"I am in my 70’s and have recently had heart surgery. Since starting T5T my sleeping has improved and I have more energy. I am thoroughly enjoying this type of exercise and never miss doing it. I have a set routine now. "

Anita Revel - Author of "The Goddess Diet" & "The 7 Day Chakra Workout" from WA, Australia
..."I first met the author, Carolinda Witt, in 2005 when she introduced me to the "5 Tibetans". At thetime I was sleeping badly, feeling sluggish and not enjoying life at all. I was immediately impressed with Carolinda's caring attitude and willingness to show me the five simple moves that would change my life. Carolinda was very thorough in teaching the movements correctly, which are beautifully presented in the book and poster. I am forever grateful for having been introduced to the T5T program, and absolutely recommend the book, poster and CD."...

Zewdi Zeyen (65 years)
"I am so full of energy. I want to run and I can't stop doing things in the house. I just feel very happy. "

Robyn Gilbey - Publicist
"I was in a head-on collision when I was fifteen years old. Four of the seven vertebrae in my neck were affected as a result of the accident. I spent the next twenty plus years visiting, chiropractors, osteopaths, masseurs and physiotherapists on a regular basis to help ease the pain I suffered and the inflexibility of movement.
Over the years I attended yoga and gym lessons in addition to aerobics and power-walking classes to strengthen my body and enable me to keep reasonably fit and manage the pain. Carolinda and I had been friends for many years and when she started The 5 Tibetan yoga, I noticed a significant change in her ability to cope with stress and how she just seemed to be more focused and content. It was enough for me to commit to a class and give it a go.
I have now been practicing T5T for three years and couldn’t imagine my life without this programme. I have increased my overall flexibility and haven’t had a neck problem at all during this time. I rarely visit my Osteopath because there is little need. He was also amazed at the turnaround my body took from doing a small number of exercises over a relatively short period of time. I noticed changes within weeks.
Other benefits for me personally have been to do with the breathing, also taught in the class. I breathe better than I ever have and through that, I have improved my relationship with my family, which includes a calmness I’d not really experienced before. I cannot recommend this programme highly enough, and as it only takes me ten minutes a day, it is hardly a sacrifice of my time. "

Tory Davidson, Registered T5T Instructor, Holistic Kinesiologist, Skin Therapist from Young, NSW, Australia
As a Holistic Kinesiologist I encourage visualizations and meditations. I also offer the idetox program within my Clinic. With this procedure my clients are required to be stationary for at least 30 minutes, and so it was a perfect opportunity to incorporate meditation within the treatment. For this I use Carolinda Witt's audio CD, which includes three meditations that focus on the Breath. The response from my clients has been of total relaxation and awareness of the power of the "Healing Breath". They just love it and have commented how wonderful it is to just STOP and BREATHE!!!!!!!!!

Experienced Many Gains
I have done the 5 Tibetan Rites daily since January 2013. To encourage my wife to benefit as much as I have, I purchased Carolinda's Master Class. I have since studied the course material carefully and have adopted many of her techniques - and have experienced many gains. The Breathing section was an area I had not focused on, and I am now moving forward nicely. The Core section was an area I had never thought about, and now I am diligently putting my attention toward core stability. I love your affirmations and now incorporate them along with energy breathing as I do my 5 Rites daily. All of your detailed instruction on performing the Tibetans is very helpful, and I have tweaked my style on several moves to encourage a healthy back and spine as I glide into my upper seventies. Thank you, Plenty, for all your due diligence in creating the T5T Master Class. Wonderful in so many ways.

Jillian Naidu - Registered T5T® Instructor, Master Practitioner NLP, Sign Language Interpreter
"'Prior to discovering T5T I had suffered from long term back pain due to an injury. I had attended physiotherapy, Pilates and hydrotherapy for several years and yet was unable to recover fully from my back weakness. Now not only has my physical strength and flexibility improved greatly, I also find the breathing to be energizing and rejuvenating allowing me to embrace challenges and function at an optimal level. ’T5T is more than a simple and effective combination of exercises. This daily sequence is simple and easy to remember providing me with the vitality, clarity, energy and motivation needed to survive a high powered city existence. "

Ineke Humphrys
"I love to start my day with T5T exercises and breathing. I then feel expansive, alive and vibrant. I am more easily able to feel the Energy within that Eckhart Tolle talks about. So thank you to Bratislav and my friend Berhadette who told me about it!"

Lynda Santich – Pre-School Teacher, Entrepreneur Natural Health Industry, Registered T5T Instructor (& mother of three children)
"My chiropractor recommended that I learn T5T to improve my health. I used to experience a feeling that I couldn't breathe before learning the Energy Breathing method in T5T. The very first moment I started practising it, I felt that I could at last draw a full breath. This was a very rewarding experience for me. Within 3 months of practising T5T I was able to give up my use of Ventolin. My constant neck pain has completely cleared up and I feel stronger physically and mentally than I have for years. Being involved in the health industry has enabled me to seek out many alternatives to improve my health and wellbeing, but none have been as profound as practising T5T daily. The health benefits for me personally have been enormous; increased flexibility, stronger neck, back and abdominals, huge improvements in my breathing patterns, and increased mental clarity and focus. I believe T5T is the perfect complement to any health care system that people may have already chosen. "

Helen Kelf - Educator & Networker
"More conscious of how I'm breathing, better clarity in thinking and an increase in energy. I feel happier and more positive. Loved the course. "

Brian Fogerty - Airline Pilot from Ireland
..."I am about a month into the T5T program and a quick thank you too you and yours for putting together an excellent package. I work as an Airline pilot and finding the benefits both from core muscle development and breathing exercises."...

Michael Grant White, “The Breathing Coach” - Executive Director of www.breathing.com and the Optimal Breathing School from NC, USA
Breathing slower, deeper and easier is vital for longevity, health and vitality. I believe that T5T can help most people become more conscious of their breathing. It can also release tension in their breathing, and often gradually expand their breathing capacity as well as slow their breathing rate. T5T will help many people to achieve the above, however there are those who may have an undetected dysfunctional breathing or what I call UDB whose next step would be my Optimal Breathing Techniques."

Jan Jenson OBDS (Optimal Breathing Specialist) from NC, USA
"I’ve been one of those “health nuts” since 1968. Back in the mid 80’s I came across an article entitled “The Fountain of Youth” (which I STILL have!) and practiced the Tibetan Rites as brought back from Tibet by Col. Bradford.
I was in my mid-40’s and in EXCELLENT physical shape from working hard all my life, particularly since 1976 when I got into the ironworkers (as a single mom raising a daughter).
After practicing the 7 Tibetan Rites I experienced lower back and neck pains… so I quit doing them so often… and still the pain persisted whenever I DID the exercises – so I stopped!
Fast forward 25 years... I retired from ironworking in 2002 and began working in an office, sitting at a desk 8-12 hours a day. Flabby muscles just don’t get it… so I searched for simple exercises … and ran across the T5T website because of a breathing comment by Mike White (www.breathing.com), who trained me as an Optimal Breathing Development Specialist.
I began an email dialogue with Carolinda Witt about T5T, and learned it’s something I tried 20 years earlier, revised and improved to strengthen the back and neck as you do the postures.
I was eager to learn T5T because it’s EASY, EFFECTIVE and only takes 10-15 minutes a day to keep in shape and consistently FEEL GOOD! Carolinda's book makes it so easy to follow and learn - ANYONE can use it. I like the way you start slowly, building strength up gradually and focusing on developing core strength to protect the spine.
To my absolute delight, I discovered I CAN do these exercises. I also like the daily focus on breathing - the explanations in the book are really informative and clear. As a breathing coach, I know how incredibly important it is to breath correctly and Carolinda's method will certainly help most people breathe deeper, slower and fuller.
Starting slowly and building up repetitions helped me gain back physical strength, personal satisfaction and a feeling of well-being and satisfaction with my life once again! It’s wonderful, in my mid-60’s, to find something to be ENTHUSIASTIC about that utilizes much of what I teach in Optimal Breathing.
Everyone from 3 to 103 can learn to stay or get HEALTHY. It’s EASY, inexpensive, FUN and effective!

It's immensely satisfying!
Today, I graduated to the full 21-rep session! I am the kind of person who would have been tempted to skip the first ten weeks of preparation. But I am so grateful I didn't. Carolinda stressed the importance of the "journey" and not rush to the end. Something about that resonated with me. Now I know why. The journey is whole point! If I hadn't allowed myself to enjoy the journey, I would have treated T5T as another fad exercise routine. I would have eventually gotten bored with it and moved on to the next new thing. But having established the journey as foundational to this practice, I now feel as though I am just getting started. My mobility continues to improve. My focus continues to improve. Hey, 21 repetitions is a lot to track! The mind can easily wander and lose count. Also, my ability to synchronize my breath with the movements continues to improve. My energy breaths are becoming more richer. Even the warm-up routine is improving. I can shake pretty vigorously now without fear of straining or spraining. Everything just keeps getting better! And best of all is the quiet of mind I achieve by the time I finish. It's immensely satisfying!

Subscriber to the online T5T program
Rose Ricketson Age 15
"I find that I have more focus and I don't freak out when I have school exams and stuff and I'd like to say that the breathing I think is very beneficial. "

Natalie Wareham - Occupational Therapist (BAppSc – OT) & Kinesiologist, Lecturer, Registered T5T Instructor
"T5T is a simple and invigorating set of exercises which improve physical and mental wellbeing. The very nature of the exercises and the teaching will enable anyone to increase their physical strength and joint mobility. The inclusion of breathing exercises not only assists in the movement of qi and meridian (life) energy but also in stress reduction and quieting the mind. The end result is daily balance and stability – the best combination for health and wellbeing. "

Jacqueline Dobie - MA Counselling
"I strongly recommend T5T to all seeking freshness of new life and energy. I myself successfully live with managing bronchitis. I found T5T helped my breath no-end. I have not had a chest infection once since I started T5T (in a winter period) normally I would have 4 -5 infections in one year, so far none. I recommend T5T to my clients with stress issues, to assist their breathing, their coping skills and stress management. "

Barry Zworestine. Clinical Psychologist; B.A.(Honours); M.A. Clinical Psychology M.A.P.S; Secondary Teachers Diploma; Diploma in Specialised Education
..."T5T offers a ritual of breathing away the tensions both physically and emotionally, it offers a daily opportunity to stretch and strengthen the body as well as release the issues that we all carry in the moments of living our lives. As part of a process of both physical, emotional and psychological well being I can recommend T5T. It has become a part of my life and a valuable part of both starting my day and creating a sense of well being. T5T bridges the gap between the psychological and the physical and offers an effective and quick exercise ritual that enhances well being, vitality and inner strength. "...

Lynda Santich – Pre-School Teacher, Entrepreneur Natural Health Industry, Registered T5T Instructor (& mother of three children)
"My chiropractor recommended that I learn T5T to improve my health. I used to experience a feeling that I couldn't breathe before learning the Energy Breathing method in T5T. The very first moment I started practising it, I felt that I could at last draw a full breath. This was a very rewarding experience for me. Within 3 months of practising T5T I was able to give up my use of Ventolin. My constant neck pain has completely cleared up and I feel stronger physically and mentally than I have for years. Being involved in the health industry has enabled me to seek out many alternatives to improve my health and wellbeing, but none have been as profound as practising T5T daily. The health benefits for me personally have been enormous; increased flexibility, stronger neck, back and abdominals, huge improvements in my breathing patterns, and increased mental clarity and focus. I believe T5T is the perfect complement to any health care system that people may have already chosen. "

Libby Ross - Registered Osteopath & Registered T5T Instructor
‘As an osteopath I was looking for an exercise routine that incorporated mind, body and spirit - something that was going to give me energy, strength and flexibility. I spend a lot of time bending over a bench and need good core stability to support my lower back, and T5T has given me this. As an osteopath I see many people injure themselves doing exercise they are not in condition for. However, what I like about T5T is that it is a gradual step by step program, taught safely and under close supervision. This enables gradual strength, flexibility, and core stability to develop - thereby minimising the risk of injury. The breathing and relaxation techniques compliment the rites and provide a solid platform for increased body and mind connection. These benefits combined with the ancient wisdom make T5T a powerful daily ritual and I recommend it to all my patients and anyone who wants improved health and vitality.’

Susie Lapin - Physiotherapist from Sydney, Australia
"Users of this book will build up strength and flexibility if they follow Carolinda’s graded step to step plan – with mastery of each stage an essential goal before moving on to the next level of difficulty. The sections on breathing and core stability are a vital part of this program. The instructions are very clear and the use of many photographs makes this book easy to follow and a pleasure to use. "

John Gray author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"
..."T5T is an incredible and powerful program. It turns back the clock. It increases your energy, mental clarity and focus. It reduces stress, and improves strength and flexibility. It is capable of restoring your passion and zest for life if you let it. I highly recommend it for anyone willing to improve their life."...

Jillian Naidu - Registered T5T® Instructor, Master Practitioner NLP, Sign Language Interpreter
"'Prior to discovering T5T I had suffered from long term back pain due to an injury. I had attended physiotherapy, Pilates and hydrotherapy for several years and yet was unable to recover fully from my back weakness. Now not only has my physical strength and flexibility improved greatly, I also find the breathing to be energizing and rejuvenating allowing me to embrace challenges and function at an optimal level. ’T5T is more than a simple and effective combination of exercises. This daily sequence is simple and easy to remember providing me with the vitality, clarity, energy and motivation needed to survive a high powered city existence. "

Susan Hayward - Author of “A Guide for the Advanced Soul"
"I have practiced yoga for many years but after having a baby (my third child) I needed some exercise that would put me back in shape and that took as little time as possible to do! T5T has been exactly what I needed. Now If I miss a day or two, I feel unbalanced, uncentred, and low energy. They are so simple, yet so powerful in their effect. Thank you Carolinda!"

Rajendar Menen from Bombay, Author "Karma Sutra - Essays From The Margin", Journalist from Bombay, India
"I have been doing The Five Tibetans for 20 years or so. I have always been athletic and worked out regularly but after starting T5T the changes to my body and soul have been fantastic. I wish to share them and I hope more and more people benefit from T5T.
For one, it takes very little time. You can easily squeeze it into a busy urban executive existence. All you need is 15 minutes a day. You need no equipment, no special clothes, and need very little space. I do it in hotel rooms when I travel. You can also do T5T any time, more than once if you want to every day, as long as you do it on an empty stomach. It becomes a spiritual practice over time. it is easy, inexpensive, thankfully addictive and highly beneficial on all counts. You can't wait to do it the next day.
Two, your body gets incredibly strong. You even get muscular.
Three, all the chakras are optimised and you are radiant and filled with energy. There is no room for depression and loneliness and the feelings of a 'vacuum' that afflicts a lot of mankind.
Four, you automatically hit on 'healthy' food and so your health gets even better.
Five, your heart chakra gets optimised and you get less violent and more loving and kind.
Six, whatever your age (I have shared notes), your sexual energy doesn't dilute. I mention this because this is the age of viagra and sexual enhancement. Why buy expensive and damaging chemicals when T5T does the job?!
Seven, if done slowly and with awareness, T5T leads to great spiritual journeys. You are enveloped by bliss.
Eight, you get more disciplined and your output at work and play multiplies. Life is precious and very short and you realise it and enjoy it more. You also want to share the joys of 'existence'.
I was aiming at a short testimonial!!!
Happy T5Ting. "

Christine Gardner – Meals on Wheels Co-ordinator – Southern Cross Care
"T5T has made a great impact on my life. It has given me extra energy. My strength has improved and I feel more motivated. I am currently on a weight loss program and needed a good exercise program and feel T5T suits my needs. I totally enjoy T5T, which is amazing as I am not usually the type to exercise. I feel it is a way of life, which I will continue forever. "

Othmay Razs
"The centrifugal effect of and the weight bearing exercises contribute to a better stronger body, naturally. Its only been 40 days but I feel younger. i have lost weight and people have commented positively. I also respond to people more emphatically than before. There is marked difference between the days i do the exercises and the days that I missed.I am currently experimenting the effect of combining these exercises with some briskwalking. Wish me luck. "

Profound changes to my health and well-being
As a 66-year-old male, I have had a lot of small and large difficulties to try and overcome. Neck and shoulder pain, great lack of energy, coughing (I've never smoked), digestive issues, sinus issues for 30 years, prostate issues, poor sleep, feeling cold when I shouldn't be cold, cravings for sweets, and other issues I won't mention. I read about T5T when I was reading the book "Breath" by James Nestor. He devotes a small section to it in his book. I decided to look it up and found the T5T website. The price was very reasonable so I subscribed. After reading the manual and the book I started the program on February 14, 2021 (COVID lockdown was a good time to start). I followed the program exactly as outlined, watched the videos to be sure I was doing them correctly and I got to 21 repetitions of each exercise on April 18th. I ran into a couple of issues with doing the exercises but I looked them up in the manual and was able to correct them without any recurrences. Well, I'm not exaggerating if I say that these exercises are having profound changes to my health and well-being!!! I really had no expectations of these exercises helping me, I'm a sceptic about this kind of thing, especially when they appear to be too good to be true. I have done yoga on and off (mostly off) for decades and liked it. I was just not motivated enough to keep it up. These exercises are yoga-like but not a yoga program as I have experienced yoga. Besides, it takes so little time to do them that I thought I had nothing to lose. Here are some of the things I have written in my journal over the past few weeks: Neck and shoulder pain much reduced ( I was doing some plumbing today which really irritates my neck and shoulders and as I write this I am not experiencing any pain or irritation.), the silent migraines I have been experiencing for years have almost disappeared, my energy levels have increased tremendously( I used to have days that were so bad I could do nothing but sit and sleep in a recliner chair all day.), I wake up feeling rested, breathing is better (likely due to all of the controlled breathing that the exercises require) and almost no coughing, sinus pain and headaches gone and very little post nasal drip (again likely due to the controlled nasal breathing), far less grumpy (that happens to some of us older guys), less cold, digestion much improved and much, much more. I just notice that as each week passes I am feeling better and better. The only change I have made in my life has been adding the T5T exercises. The course was very clearly outlined, loved the videos showing how to do the exercises, loved the sections on what to do if you run into issues doing the exercises (I used these several time to correct posture and remedy pain issues (especially in my wrists). I'm not able to do the exercises in 10 minutes as it appears some are able to do but I'm not in a hurry, no races to win and I actually find it helps to slow down a bit as I can focus on correct technique. For the price, it is a bargain and for what it has done for me I would pay much more to find a program that is having profoundly good changes to my life. Thanks, Robert

Subscriber to the online T5T program
Brian Fogerty - Airline Pilot from Ireland
..."I am about a month into the T5T program and a quick thank you too you and yours for putting together an excellent package. I work as an Airline pilot and finding the benefits both from core muscle development and breathing exercises."...

Helene Ludwig, BA Hon. MA. Dip. Aromatherapy, Therapeutic Massage, Bowen, NLP, Solution Oriented Hypnotherapy and Counselling, Reiki 1 & 2, Cert. T5T Teacher
""Fitness and wellbeing have always been important to me. I had been going to the gym and swimming pool for a number of years and, as much as I enjoyed that, I started to feel restricted and stressed by a schedule influenced by avoidance of crowd and traffic. When I heard Carolinda Witt talking about "just 10 minutes a day for health, vitality and wellbeing", I was absolutely delighted and decided to learn T5T. Since then, my lower back has greatly improved, my bowel movement is more regular, my bladder is better controlled. I somewhat get the feeling that my spine is defying gravity!"

I. van Dyk from Frenchs Forest, Sydney
I've been practicing T5T since Sept 2002. Since then this routine is usually an envigorating start to my day. If I'm unable to do it first thing in the morning it's quite easy to fit in at any other time. No need for a gym and independent of the weather.
Not being a young person I initially had my doubts whether I could reach that magic number. By increasing the number of movements slowly over several weeks I had no problem reaching 21 of each and I find them easy to do. I also feel that breathing in and out during each movement is important for the supply of energy. It makes lasting the distance easier.
My wrist used to hurt in the beginning but got stronger very quickly. Arm and tummy muscles are now nice and firm too. And I find that keeping my weight down is not a problem anymore. So, it's really well worth spending 15 minutes each day. The Five Tibetans have become so much part of my routine that I can't imagine not doing them any more.

Natalie Wareham - Occupational Therapist (BAppSc – OT) & Kinesiologist, Lecturer, Registered T5T Instructor
"T5T is a simple and invigorating set of exercises which improve physical and mental wellbeing. The very nature of the exercises and the teaching will enable anyone to increase their physical strength and joint mobility. The inclusion of breathing exercises not only assists in the movement of qi and meridian (life) energy but also in stress reduction and quieting the mind. The end result is daily balance and stability – the best combination for health and wellbeing. "

Di Mace - Registered T5T® Instructor. Marketing Consultant, Former Fitness Instructor
'Having taught fitness for nearly 20 years, when I first saw T5T I clearly recognized it as the next wave of exercise – with enormous potential for improved physical health and remedial core stability work. In my first 2 hour lesson of T5T I also had the sense of knowing that T5T could provide an essential touchstone in people’s lives, and a powerful change-tool. It’s the holistic aspects of T5T that make it a modern way of exercise for living now. It’s a life-skill that you learn today, and use for life. But at its fundamental core, the power of T5T is its simplicity and suitability for everyone, any-age.’

Richard Meikle, Master Personal Trainer & Registered T5T Instructor
"I thought I had enough things to do to maintain my health without adding yoga to my routine. Then I tried T5T. It's amazingly simple, time effective and powerful. I noticed increased energy, greater flexibility and mental clarity. For me, the whole system including the energy breathing, really feels like it's having a big impact on my internal health. Now T5T is the first thing I do every day. That says it all."

Carolyn Tyrer, Natural Health Practitioner from NSW, Australia
..."I have practiced yoga on and off for over thirty years, but more often than not I find I cannot find the hour or so I need to do a daily practice. What I love about T5T is that it is a very achievable programme to perform daily. Once I start I know I will complete the whole routine within about fifteen minutes. Being a busy working mother I love that I can incorporate this routine in my life.
It is a gratifying way to start the day as it fires up all my engines and makes me mindful of my body. I recently underwent surgery in on my left wrist having a steel plate inserted to screw all my bones back in place. Performing the rites every day has certainly improved the flexibility of my wrist in record breaking time,and also the rest of my body.
I enjoyed the information Carolinda passed on whilst teaching us the rites and her care in making sure we were all in the perfect postures whilst staying mindful to the direction of our breathing."...

Bryn Wackett – Registered T5T® Instructor. Dancer
"Being a full time dancer for the past 15 years, I have chosen to use a variety of yoga methods as well as Pilates & Feldenkrais method towards injury prevention & sustaining strength & flexibility throughout my career. I came across T5T in 2004 via my chiropractor, Kathrine Harrison, who suggested I learn to teach it so I could then teach her patients that were in need of learning it. What a lovely surprise it has been to find that I can do this regularly on my own without my huge ongoing costs of yoga & Pilates classes or the disappointment experienced if my schedule didn’t fit in with class times! I still go to yoga & Pilate’s classes occasionally and I haven’t had any injuries since doing T5T!"

Robyn Gilbey - Publicist
"I was in a head-on collision when I was fifteen years old. Four of the seven vertebrae in my neck were affected as a result of the accident. I spent the next twenty plus years visiting, chiropractors, osteopaths, masseurs and physiotherapists on a regular basis to help ease the pain I suffered and the inflexibility of movement.
Over the years I attended yoga and gym lessons in addition to aerobics and power-walking classes to strengthen my body and enable me to keep reasonably fit and manage the pain. Carolinda and I had been friends for many years and when she started The 5 Tibetan yoga, I noticed a significant change in her ability to cope with stress and how she just seemed to be more focused and content. It was enough for me to commit to a class and give it a go.
I have now been practicing T5T for three years and couldn’t imagine my life without this programme. I have increased my overall flexibility and haven’t had a neck problem at all during this time. I rarely visit my Osteopath because there is little need. He was also amazed at the turnaround my body took from doing a small number of exercises over a relatively short period of time. I noticed changes within weeks.
Other benefits for me personally have been to do with the breathing, also taught in the class. I breathe better than I ever have and through that, I have improved my relationship with my family, which includes a calmness I’d not really experienced before. I cannot recommend this programme highly enough, and as it only takes me ten minutes a day, it is hardly a sacrifice of my time. "

Penelope Ward, Kinesiologist
I have been doing the 5 Tibetans now for 6 months, and I have noticed a few changes. My stamina is builidng slowly, and consequently I have more endurance than before; I am getting more strength in my arms, shoulders and wrists which had a weakness before; my body shape has changed and is more defined.. Two other important things I have learnt is that by doing them everyday, it has taught me consistency and discipline which I have managed to apply to other areas of my life. Also in the early days I did them very quickly and strained myself, so it has taught me to take things a little more slowly and by not necessarily doing the whole 21 in one go ( I do 8 - 10 in the am and pm) I am nurturing and honouring my body better.

Branko Kristevic - Chiropractor & Osteopath D.C, D
"The movements in T5T will improve your flexibility and strengthen your body. Coupled with correct full breathing, they help to delay aging by improving circulation, flushing out toxins and strengthening your immune system. T5T stimulates the flow of chi throughout the body increasing energy, releasing stress and providing you with a remarkable sense of well-being. As Carolinda’s Chiropractor for the last 13 years, I have seen first hand the enormous physical and mental benefits she and others have gained from T5T."

D. Braithwaite - Learning and Performance Specialist
"I have found the journey very interesting so far. In fact it is the first time in my life that I have found daily exercise enjoyable. …I have not missed one day and now it's a familiar part of my morning ritual! Truly a record for me. I have definitely improved my flexibility and ability to concentrate. The way I describe it, I feel grounded and centred. There has been some weight loss and a definite improvement in upper body strength."

Anita Boser - author of "Relieve Stiffness and Feel Young Again with Undulation"
"When I read the Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth years ago I was intrigued by the incredible results that readers achieved. However, the exercises were too difficult for me and I hurt my shoulder doing the fourth and fifth ones. Fast forward five years and I come across T5T: The 10-Minute Rejuvenation Plan. From day one, I was able to follow the plan from the book and do the exercises every day. I feel great!
Not only does the author break the exercises into steps that reduce the risk of injury, she includes core strength and breathing exercises that make the movements accessible to people who live in an industrial society. After all, we don't have the lifestyle of Tibetan monks. I also like the warm up exercises in the book, which help me prepare for hiking and jogging.
While these are exercises for the body and they do add strength and flexibility, the biggest impact is on my energy level. I get a sense of jubilation and feeling of being carefree that lasts through the day.
I highly recommend this book for people of all activity levels. If you are too tired, this plan will give you energy. If you already are active, this is a wonderful complement to any exercise program. "...

Tess Creevey (85 years)
"I am 85 years old and totally blind. I have been doing T5T for 6 weeks now, have purchased the CD and love the feeling of wellbeing I get. It's given me a lot of motivation and I feel my body getting better and stronger. "

Averil Coe
" The T5T is going very well. I am taking it very slowly and just doing what my body is ready for. I am now up to 7 reps of each rite though some are still fairly modified. Because I have done so much of this sort of thing over the years it is very easy to get into the routine. I get up 10 minutes earlier each week day and shower and then do the warm up and the rites. Already I am noticing a difference in my energy levels - both physically and emotionally which is very exciting - given that I am spending so little time on the activities.
I think the biggest thing for me with the T5T program is that it has given me permission to take things in very small increments and to also radically modify the positions to allow for various current body weaknesses, whilst still being able to maintain the overall integrity of the Rites. Before I felt like I had to climb a huge mountain with a weak and unprepared body which was very discouraging. I also realize and appreciate all the yoga and other spiritual practice that I have done in the past - so much of it naturally comes into play now that I am doing the T5T.
I have started taking my small yoga group again and had a very interesting experience - the first day I found that (naturally) my body was more limber and flexible and I did quite a thorough session - felt great. But the next day I felt dreadful. Naturally as I feel more energized I am tending to take a bit better care of myself - eating well, incorporating flax seed oil into my diet, taking the natural calcium supplement etc. "

Dr. John F. Demartini - "The Secret" Teacher - Bestselling author of The Breakthrough Experience - A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation
"T5T is simple, practical, effective and certainly mind/body altering. If you would love to become rejuvenated, remain calm, feel more vitality, be more flexible and simply look your absolute best, then now there is a new way to experience a greater state of wellbeing that takes just minutes a day, but lasts a lifetime."

Online Training - Workbook/Video Series
Experienced Many Gains
I have done the 5 Tibetan Rites daily since January 2013. To encourage my wife to benefit as much as I have, I purchased Carolinda's Master Class. I have since studied the course material carefully and have adopted many of her techniques - and have experienced many gains. The Breathing section was an area I had not focused on, and I am now moving forward nicely. The Core section was an area I had never thought about, and now I am diligently putting my attention toward core stability. I love your affirmations and now incorporate them along with energy breathing as I do my 5 Rites daily. All of your detailed instruction on performing the Tibetans is very helpful, and I have tweaked my style on several moves to encourage a healthy back and spine as I glide into my upper seventies. Thank you, Plenty, for all your due diligence in creating the T5T Master Class. Wonderful in so many ways.

It's immensely satisfying!
Today, I graduated to the full 21-rep session! I am the kind of person who would have been tempted to skip the first ten weeks of preparation. But I am so grateful I didn't. Carolinda stressed the importance of the "journey" and not rush to the end. Something about that resonated with me. Now I know why. The journey is whole point! If I hadn't allowed myself to enjoy the journey, I would have treated T5T as another fad exercise routine. I would have eventually gotten bored with it and moved on to the next new thing. But having established the journey as foundational to this practice, I now feel as though I am just getting started. My mobility continues to improve. My focus continues to improve. Hey, 21 repetitions is a lot to track! The mind can easily wander and lose count. Also, my ability to synchronize my breath with the movements continues to improve. My energy breaths are becoming more richer. Even the warm-up routine is improving. I can shake pretty vigorously now without fear of straining or spraining. Everything just keeps getting better! And best of all is the quiet of mind I achieve by the time I finish. It's immensely satisfying!

Subscriber to the online T5T program
I'm Blind and I've Never Seen Yoga Postures Before
As a blind person, I was concerned to make sure I was doing the Rites correctly, so began searching the web for a course or audio that would instruct me. Keep in mind I had never seen most Yoga postures done, so I had no good frame of reference upon which to base my judgement or formulate an idea of how the Rites should be accomplished. Sighted people learn by watching and imitating; blind people learn by listening and trying to convert the verbal into the actual, which at times is not an easy task and can end up being quite humorous.
I loved the way you start each Rite in the book with the original text by Kelder as a jumping-off point and go from there to expound on it, providing problems solutions, and tips as necessary, and deliciously wonderful details on each step to make each movement and Rite crystal clear. I could conceptualize everything you had written, and follow the logic of your prescribed movements.
Believe it or not, when I first started three weeks ago, the hardest part for me was getting down on the floor for Rite 2. My knees, hips, and shoulders hurt from stiffness, and it felt like gravity was dragging me down not to exercise, but to pin me to the floor. But hurray, it's somewhat better now, and that's real progress. I can honestly say that I am more energetic and don't nap as much in the early evening as I have done before.
Thank you Carolinda from the bottom of my heart. The amount of work and thought and love you put into your course materials make them a treasure to own and work with; I am exceedingly grateful. When shopping on the Internet, one can easily find the wrong item that doesn't meet the need. When I found T5T, I found the gold. Don Barrett, USA.

Subscriber to the online T5T program
Profound changes to my health and well-being
As a 66-year-old male, I have had a lot of small and large difficulties to try and overcome. Neck and shoulder pain, great lack of energy, coughing (I've never smoked), digestive issues, sinus issues for 30 years, prostate issues, poor sleep, feeling cold when I shouldn't be cold, cravings for sweets, and other issues I won't mention. I read about T5T when I was reading the book "Breath" by James Nestor. He devotes a small section to it in his book. I decided to look it up and found the T5T website. The price was very reasonable so I subscribed. After reading the manual and the book I started the program on February 14, 2021 (COVID lockdown was a good time to start). I followed the program exactly as outlined, watched the videos to be sure I was doing them correctly and I got to 21 repetitions of each exercise on April 18th. I ran into a couple of issues with doing the exercises but I looked them up in the manual and was able to correct them without any recurrences. Well, I'm not exaggerating if I say that these exercises are having profound changes to my health and well-being!!! I really had no expectations of these exercises helping me, I'm a sceptic about this kind of thing, especially when they appear to be too good to be true. I have done yoga on and off (mostly off) for decades and liked it. I was just not motivated enough to keep it up. These exercises are yoga-like but not a yoga program as I have experienced yoga. Besides, it takes so little time to do them that I thought I had nothing to lose. Here are some of the things I have written in my journal over the past few weeks: Neck and shoulder pain much reduced ( I was doing some plumbing today which really irritates my neck and shoulders and as I write this I am not experiencing any pain or irritation.), the silent migraines I have been experiencing for years have almost disappeared, my energy levels have increased tremendously( I used to have days that were so bad I could do nothing but sit and sleep in a recliner chair all day.), I wake up feeling rested, breathing is better (likely due to all of the controlled breathing that the exercises require) and almost no coughing, sinus pain and headaches gone and very little post nasal drip (again likely due to the controlled nasal breathing), far less grumpy (that happens to some of us older guys), less cold, digestion much improved and much, much more. I just notice that as each week passes I am feeling better and better. The only change I have made in my life has been adding the T5T exercises. The course was very clearly outlined, loved the videos showing how to do the exercises, loved the sections on what to do if you run into issues doing the exercises (I used these several time to correct posture and remedy pain issues (especially in my wrists). I'm not able to do the exercises in 10 minutes as it appears some are able to do but I'm not in a hurry, no races to win and I actually find it helps to slow down a bit as I can focus on correct technique. For the price, it is a bargain and for what it has done for me I would pay much more to find a program that is having profoundly good changes to my life. Thanks, Robert

Subscriber to the online T5T program
I am now doing my first week of T5T and I can tell that I like it and I do already feel some uplifting energy, especially when I have done the T5T.
I am already looking for quite some time now (3 years) to find a ritual with simple but effective exercises that I feel I want to do and can do, every single day, without having to ‘force myself’ like any other yoga practice that I already tried.
Thank you very much for all your efforts in making my personal world a better place and I have no doubt that I’m not the only one benefiting from your efforts.

Workshop Manual is Fantastic - One of the Best I've Seen
As a 68-year-old male residing in Melbourne, and with a new hip and ongoing back and neck arthritic challenges, and the Covid lockdown during 2020, I had plenty of time to seek some new form of health/fitness pursuit to assist me in coping with them into the future.
From my reading/research into "How to Breathe Correctly," which in itself is a fascinating subject, I stumbled onto the 5 Tibetan Rites. There is quite a lot of information on these, so I pushed further and stumbled onto Carolinda Witt's T5T website and was immediately attracted to her approach to their teachings. My concern was whether my body would hold up to what can first appear to be difficult movements; however, by investing in her package, including a fantastic workbook and video lessons, where you step quietly and softly over a period of a few months. This was appealing to me to tread slowly.
What is even better is the step by step for several of the more demanding rites so that you don't have to do the full rite at first. She provides alternative movements to build you up, and over time you add more repetitions each week. Additionally, she has been very supportive and encouraging and open to questions, etc. The workbook manual is fantastic and easy to follow—one of the best I have seen in this industry. I am only a few weeks into this program but have confidence that I will continue to the end and be successful and stronger at the end of it. Thanks, Carolinda, for your support.

Subscriber to the online T5T program
No back pain anymore and more joy in practising the Rites
I had read “The Fountain of Youth” years ago while on assignment overseas and decided it was for me. Due to my lifestyle and trying to do as many movements as I could from the get-go, I failed in 2 days. Fast forward 10 years. While sitting on the edge of the bed, unable to reach down to put on my socks and having seen a picture of me walking all hunched over, I thought I had become an early version of the Colonel without the cane. At that point, I decided to do the 5 rites as outlined in Peter Kelder’s book. This time I took it slowly. I saw an improvement in my posture and core strength within 10 days but felt I was missing something. I had middle back pain, so I intuitively introduced warmups. (Surprisingly similar to the ones you suggested). But 3 months later, I still had a sore back. I looked at various people on YouTube and what they said about doing the rites. It still seemed like something was wrong. Then I saw your program. I fine-tuned my warmups, implemented your breathing suggestions and did the rites as you pointed out (seeing my errors). Hence 3 weeks later, my back pain has subsided, and there is more joy in doing the rites. Thank you for your well-presented program.

Your course is excellent, beautifully set out, and helpful.
I have worked my way through your course and I am currently doing 17 repetitions of each rite, and am very pleased I followed your instructions. I still carry out all five warm-up exercises which I believe are excellent. I also wanted to say how very grateful I am for your work, it really has made a difference to me. Your course, by the way, is excellent, beautifully set out, and helpful.

Subscriber to the online T5T program
Totally Blind - AND Getting Resounding Success from T5T
I am a totally blind individual who has been seeking a new means of jump-starting my energy. I did cardio for a while, and that made me feel pretty good, but I never got from it the long-lasting boost I was hoping for. I read about the Five Tibetan Rites a couple of months ago and became quite intrigued. I found a text copy of the book by Peter Kelder, and read it through with great interest (my computer has software that reads aloud material on the computer screen and also reports out loud any time I type information or use the arrow keys to move among screen elements). I am using it now to type this note.
- As a blind person, I was concerned to make sure I was doing the Rites correctly, so began searching the web for a course or audio that would instruct me. I found quite a few videos that were of no use, since many of them had very little spoken audio but rather lots of music to accompany the video which was for me, naturally quite useless. Times being what they are, I wasn't keen on finding somewhere to go to learn in person. And of course, even when explanations accompanied the videos, there was the big credibility issue of not knowing if the person on the video was even doing them right, or just some guy showing off without really knowing what he was doing. When I came across the t5t site, I was so impressed by the clarity and simplicity of the information about the course, that I decided that it sounded like it was just right for me. I wasn't quite sure the book and audio or videos would be enough to clarify my nagging questions about the rites, but the price was amazingly reasonable for all that one received by signing up, and so I took the plunge. Lacking an actual in-person instructor, I figured that if the explanations were clear and logical, I could do it; and believe me, I certainly was not disappointed.
- Keep in mind I had never seen most Yoga postures done, so I had no good frame of reference upon which to base my judgment or formulate an idea of how the Rites should be accomplished. Sighted people learn by watching and imitating; blind people learn by listening and trying to convert the verbal into the actual, which at times is not an easy task and can end up being quite humorous.
- When I read Kelder's book, I had nagging questions such as: In Rite 2, how far over your head do you want to move your legs. In other words, do they go farther over your head than the 90-degree angle that a normal leg raise would suggest? Well, the T5T Workbook and audio track cleared up this point completely, recommending the straight-up position so as not to undo the natural lumbar curve and thus strain the lower spine.
- I also wondered about Rite 3, concerning if one actually leans back from the hips, or keeps the hips at a right angle to the legs and just bends backward using the upper spine without moving the hips back. Kelder didn't make that clear to me, but the T5T Workbook, in the What Not to Do section, and the audio track, sure made it very clear what to do and put all of that confusion fully to rest, again protecting the lower spine and vertebrae.
- In Rite 4, I wondered how you actually get from having your legs out straight in front of you to having your feet flat on the floor with your knees over your feet. Also quite unclear from the original book. And of course, here too, the wonderful details in the T5T workbook cleared it all up by instructing the student to lift the bottom up and move it forward so the legs could place the knees over the ankles, and voila, I became a tabletop.
- And Rite 5 was confusing at first. I mean, I thought I understood it, but just wasn't sure. But here too, the Workbook and the audio track saved the day, and now it all makes sense.
- Happily, I am now about to start my fifth week of doing the Rites. I loved the way the course starts each Rite in the book with the original text by Kelder as a jumping-off point and goes from there to expound on it, providing problems solutions, and tips as necessary, and deliciously wonderful details on each step to make each movement and Rite crystal clear. I could conceptualize everything that was written, and follow the logic of the prescribed movements. If I needed clarification, or just felt a little overwhelmed, I would listen to the audio track and bookmark certain places so I could hear the parts I needed help with over and over again until they made sense.
- I also really love the tips provided in the book as well. For example, the tip in Rite 1 to visually focus on a particular color or object during the spin to help count repetitions gave me the idea of playing some meditative music so that I could hear it in front of me, as I completed each repetition. I also had my arms out in front of me and had my chair aligned with the computer speaker so I both touched the chair and heard the music at the same time, as a double means of confirming my spin counting. I keep my arms somewhat in front of me, but touching the chair and hearing the music keeps me safe and grounded in one place, and keeps me from spinning off across the room. As I get better with the spin, I will give up touching the chair eventually and have my arms in the proper spread-out position. But there is time for that later on.
- Believe it or not, when I first started three weeks ago, the hardest part for me was getting down on the floor for Rite 2. My knees, hips, and shoulders hurt from stiffness, and it felt like gravity was dragging me down not to exercise, but to pin me to the floor. But hurray, it's somewhat better now, and that's real progress. I can honestly say that I am more energetic and don't nap in the early evening as I have done before.
- To you Carolinda, I must say that I have found something really truly wonderful in T5T, and you and your course have been a huge part of it, and The best part is that I am just getting started. Thank you Carolinda from the bottom of my heart. The amount of work and thought and love you put into your course materials make them a treasure to own and work with; I am exceedingly grateful. When shopping on the Internet, one can easily find the wrong item that doesn't meet the true need of the audience, but when I found T5T, I found the gold.

Retired & Subscriber to the online T5T program
Fitness Professionals
Bryn Wackett – Registered T5T® Instructor. Dancer
"Being a full time dancer for the past 15 years, I have chosen to use a variety of yoga methods as well as Pilates & Feldenkrais method towards injury prevention & sustaining strength & flexibility throughout my career. I came across T5T in 2004 via my chiropractor, Kathrine Harrison, who suggested I learn to teach it so I could then teach her patients that were in need of learning it. What a lovely surprise it has been to find that I can do this regularly on my own without my huge ongoing costs of yoga & Pilates classes or the disappointment experienced if my schedule didn’t fit in with class times! I still go to yoga & Pilate’s classes occasionally and I haven’t had any injuries since doing T5T!"

Di Mace - Registered T5T® Instructor. Marketing Consultant, Former Fitness Instructor
'Having taught fitness for nearly 20 years, when I first saw T5T I clearly recognized it as the next wave of exercise – with enormous potential for improved physical health and remedial core stability work. In my first 2 hour lesson of T5T I also had the sense of knowing that T5T could provide an essential touchstone in people’s lives, and a powerful change-tool. It’s the holistic aspects of T5T that make it a modern way of exercise for living now. It’s a life-skill that you learn today, and use for life. But at its fundamental core, the power of T5T is its simplicity and suitability for everyone, any-age.’

Richard Meikle, Master Personal Trainer & Registered T5T Instructor
"I thought I had enough things to do to maintain my health without adding yoga to my routine. Then I tried T5T. It's amazingly simple, time effective and powerful. I noticed increased energy, greater flexibility and mental clarity. For me, the whole system including the energy breathing, really feels like it's having a big impact on my internal health. Now T5T is the first thing I do every day. That says it all."

Libby Weston – Yoga & Pilates Teacher, Business Owner & Registered T5T Instructor
"As a teacher of Yoga/Pilates and studio owner, I was very thankful to learn that Carolinda had developed her T5T Five Tibetan Rites & Energy Breathing Program. I had discovered the benefits of the ‘Rites' some years ago and had personally been practicing the 'original rites' as part of my own daily practice for many years. As a teacher and business owner I rarely found time to attend class to nurture myself....so the 'Rites' were perfect.
Over time I endeavoured to share the principals of 'the Rites' with clients - however, I struggled with effectively communicating the fundamentals to them, particularly as many carried injuries or had physical of emotional challenges. When I discovered Carolinda’s T5T program I was relieved, as it took all the worry out of safely, effectively and systematically delivering the principals in a professional but easy, duplicatible, 'step-by-step' format.
T5T allowed the absolute beginner to my advanced client to discover the rejuvenating benefits of the 'Rites' in just one workshop!
From a business perspective by being affiliated with T5T and receiving client referrals, I have not only generated another source of income, but have grown also my own studio client base...with many T5T clients becoming motivated to participate in other classes. I feel assured that I am delivering a quality program, with professional 'take home' and support material...that is backed by a 100% money back guarantee.
I would highly recommend T5T to any yoga/pilates teacher who is wanting to either increase their income and client base or provide a 'value add' to their existing clients. "

Health Practitioners
Tory Davidson, Registered T5T Instructor, Holistic Kinesiologist, Skin Therapist from Young, NSW, Australia
As a Holistic Kinesiologist I encourage visualizations and meditations. I also offer the idetox program within my Clinic. With this procedure my clients are required to be stationary for at least 30 minutes, and so it was a perfect opportunity to incorporate meditation within the treatment. For this I use Carolinda Witt's audio CD, which includes three meditations that focus on the Breath. The response from my clients has been of total relaxation and awareness of the power of the "Healing Breath". They just love it and have commented how wonderful it is to just STOP and BREATHE!!!!!!!!!

Kathrine Harrison - Chiropractor
"T5T is one of the most sophisticated ‘take home’ exercises I’ve come across, for both my patients physical and mental wellbeing."

Dr. John F. Demartini - "The Secret" Teacher - Bestselling author of The Breakthrough Experience - A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation
"T5T is simple, practical, effective and certainly mind/body altering. If you would love to become rejuvenated, remain calm, feel more vitality, be more flexible and simply look your absolute best, then now there is a new way to experience a greater state of wellbeing that takes just minutes a day, but lasts a lifetime."

Anita Boser - author of "Relieve Stiffness and Feel Young Again with Undulation"
"When I read the Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth years ago I was intrigued by the incredible results that readers achieved. However, the exercises were too difficult for me and I hurt my shoulder doing the fourth and fifth ones. Fast forward five years and I come across T5T: The 10-Minute Rejuvenation Plan. From day one, I was able to follow the plan from the book and do the exercises every day. I feel great!
Not only does the author break the exercises into steps that reduce the risk of injury, she includes core strength and breathing exercises that make the movements accessible to people who live in an industrial society. After all, we don't have the lifestyle of Tibetan monks. I also like the warm up exercises in the book, which help me prepare for hiking and jogging.
While these are exercises for the body and they do add strength and flexibility, the biggest impact is on my energy level. I get a sense of jubilation and feeling of being carefree that lasts through the day.
I highly recommend this book for people of all activity levels. If you are too tired, this plan will give you energy. If you already are active, this is a wonderful complement to any exercise program. "...

Kate Hopkins, Registered T5T® Instructor, Reiki I
"I was introduced to T5T by my sister, at a time in my life when my health had deteriorated. I began practising the rites on a daily basis. As a result, my energy and zest for life began to increase and surpass where I was previously. I started to feel much stronger in body and mind, more centered and at peace. I decided to attend Carolinda's Instructor Training course and haven't looked back since."

Richard Meikle, Master Personal Trainer & Registered T5T Instructor
"I thought I had enough things to do to maintain my health without adding yoga to my routine. Then I tried T5T. It's amazingly simple, time effective and powerful. I noticed increased energy, greater flexibility and mental clarity. For me, the whole system including the energy breathing, really feels like it's having a big impact on my internal health. Now T5T is the first thing I do every day. That says it all."

Natalie Wareham - Occupational Therapist (BAppSc – OT) & Kinesiologist, Lecturer, Registered T5T Instructor
"T5T is a simple and invigorating set of exercises which improve physical and mental wellbeing. The very nature of the exercises and the teaching will enable anyone to increase their physical strength and joint mobility. The inclusion of breathing exercises not only assists in the movement of qi and meridian (life) energy but also in stress reduction and quieting the mind. The end result is daily balance and stability – the best combination for health and wellbeing. "

Kaye Gartner - Accupuncture, M. Health Science (TCM), Fellow AAC
"I have practiced T5T in the bedroom, at the beach, in the park; when travelling, when tired, when I didn’t really want to. My reward is a body that is lean and toned, with energy to spare. It has helped me manage peri menopausal symptoms of tiredness and low energy with ease. This is why I recommend T5T to my patients."

Terez Maru - Registered T5T® Instructor. Yoga Teacher
For many years I have experienced ringing in the ears (tinnitus). As you can imagine this is very annoying & disorientating. Since I started practicing T5T this has completely disappeared! I am a yoga teacher and a massage therapist and I recommend T5T to all my clients. In fact I have just trained as a Certified T5T Teacher as I can attest to its powerful benefits, physically, mentally and spiritually."

Carolyn Tyrer, Natural Health Practitioner from NSW, Australia
..."I have practiced yoga on and off for over thirty years, but more often than not I find I cannot find the hour or so I need to do a daily practice. What I love about T5T is that it is a very achievable programme to perform daily. Once I start I know I will complete the whole routine within about fifteen minutes. Being a busy working mother I love that I can incorporate this routine in my life.
It is a gratifying way to start the day as it fires up all my engines and makes me mindful of my body. I recently underwent surgery in on my left wrist having a steel plate inserted to screw all my bones back in place. Performing the rites every day has certainly improved the flexibility of my wrist in record breaking time,and also the rest of my body.
I enjoyed the information Carolinda passed on whilst teaching us the rites and her care in making sure we were all in the perfect postures whilst staying mindful to the direction of our breathing."...

Jacqueline Dobie - MA Counselling
"I strongly recommend T5T to all seeking freshness of new life and energy. I myself successfully live with managing bronchitis. I found T5T helped my breath no-end. I have not had a chest infection once since I started T5T (in a winter period) normally I would have 4 -5 infections in one year, so far none. I recommend T5T to my clients with stress issues, to assist their breathing, their coping skills and stress management. "

Susie Lapin - Physiotherapist from Sydney, Australia
"Users of this book will build up strength and flexibility if they follow Carolinda’s graded step to step plan – with mastery of each stage an essential goal before moving on to the next level of difficulty. The sections on breathing and core stability are a vital part of this program. The instructions are very clear and the use of many photographs makes this book easy to follow and a pleasure to use. "

Annabelle Brown. Acupuncture, Remedial Massage & Reiki
"Using the breathing and T5T together is dynamic. T5T works strongly around the lower chakras, strengthening & energising the Hara. To me it is the physical equivalent of Tibetan chanting. T5T has a strong action on the gut dispelling sluggishness and improving digestive function. I believe that the steps and emphasis Carolinda is using to attain good practice of T5T is safe, and provides a simple practice which takes a realistic amount of time.”

Anni Casey - Accredited Natural Therapist, Massage, Meditation, Kinesiology
"I attended a workshop to learn the 5 Tibetan Rites and the teacher rushed through the Rites without giving consideration to technique or to performing the Rites safely. I was disappointed as I learnt nothing and therefore wasted my money. Not giving up hope, I searched the Web for books or DVD’s on the Rites. Fortunately I found Carolinda Witt’s T5T. The book is beautifully presented with a complete explanation of the background to the 5 Tibetan Rites and detailed pictures of each Rite broken down into steps. All the safety aspects and different fitness levels are addressed. I have found the companion DVD wonderful as it guides you through each week so that you flow naturally to the next level. If you are looking to learn the 5 Tibetan Rites, look no further – this is everything you need to gain an understanding of the Rites and perform them effectively. "

Jillian Naidu - Registered T5T® Instructor, Master Practitioner NLP, Sign Language Interpreter
"'Prior to discovering T5T I had suffered from long term back pain due to an injury. I had attended physiotherapy, Pilates and hydrotherapy for several years and yet was unable to recover fully from my back weakness. Now not only has my physical strength and flexibility improved greatly, I also find the breathing to be energizing and rejuvenating allowing me to embrace challenges and function at an optimal level. ’T5T is more than a simple and effective combination of exercises. This daily sequence is simple and easy to remember providing me with the vitality, clarity, energy and motivation needed to survive a high powered city existence. "

Bratislav Petrovic, Electronics Engineer, Registered T5T instructor, Gita International Diploma of Teaching Hatha Yoga, Reiki master, Inner Peace Meditation Teacher
"I had my ear drum damaged and felt realty dizzy when I had to spin during dancing. Around 4 years ago I learnt The Five Rites. Having done the Rites for a few weeks I went to a park with my kids who persuaded me to go on a swing. I started slowly and discovered that I could once again enjoy the swing and later on to even dance. I’ve been doing the Five Rites daily since then. "

Penelope Ward, Kinesiologist
I have been doing the 5 Tibetans now for 6 months, and I have noticed a few changes. My stamina is builidng slowly, and consequently I have more endurance than before; I am getting more strength in my arms, shoulders and wrists which had a weakness before; my body shape has changed and is more defined.. Two other important things I have learnt is that by doing them everyday, it has taught me consistency and discipline which I have managed to apply to other areas of my life. Also in the early days I did them very quickly and strained myself, so it has taught me to take things a little more slowly and by not necessarily doing the whole 21 in one go ( I do 8 - 10 in the am and pm) I am nurturing and honouring my body better.

Jan Jenson OBDS (Optimal Breathing Specialist) from NC, USA
"I’ve been one of those “health nuts” since 1968. Back in the mid 80’s I came across an article entitled “The Fountain of Youth” (which I STILL have!) and practiced the Tibetan Rites as brought back from Tibet by Col. Bradford.
I was in my mid-40’s and in EXCELLENT physical shape from working hard all my life, particularly since 1976 when I got into the ironworkers (as a single mom raising a daughter).
After practicing the 7 Tibetan Rites I experienced lower back and neck pains… so I quit doing them so often… and still the pain persisted whenever I DID the exercises – so I stopped!
Fast forward 25 years... I retired from ironworking in 2002 and began working in an office, sitting at a desk 8-12 hours a day. Flabby muscles just don’t get it… so I searched for simple exercises … and ran across the T5T website because of a breathing comment by Mike White (www.breathing.com), who trained me as an Optimal Breathing Development Specialist.
I began an email dialogue with Carolinda Witt about T5T, and learned it’s something I tried 20 years earlier, revised and improved to strengthen the back and neck as you do the postures.
I was eager to learn T5T because it’s EASY, EFFECTIVE and only takes 10-15 minutes a day to keep in shape and consistently FEEL GOOD! Carolinda's book makes it so easy to follow and learn - ANYONE can use it. I like the way you start slowly, building strength up gradually and focusing on developing core strength to protect the spine.
To my absolute delight, I discovered I CAN do these exercises. I also like the daily focus on breathing - the explanations in the book are really informative and clear. As a breathing coach, I know how incredibly important it is to breath correctly and Carolinda's method will certainly help most people breathe deeper, slower and fuller.
Starting slowly and building up repetitions helped me gain back physical strength, personal satisfaction and a feeling of well-being and satisfaction with my life once again! It’s wonderful, in my mid-60’s, to find something to be ENTHUSIASTIC about that utilizes much of what I teach in Optimal Breathing.
Everyone from 3 to 103 can learn to stay or get HEALTHY. It’s EASY, inexpensive, FUN and effective!

Barry Zworestine. Clinical Psychologist; B.A.(Honours); M.A. Clinical Psychology M.A.P.S; Secondary Teachers Diploma; Diploma in Specialised Education
..."T5T offers a ritual of breathing away the tensions both physically and emotionally, it offers a daily opportunity to stretch and strengthen the body as well as release the issues that we all carry in the moments of living our lives. As part of a process of both physical, emotional and psychological well being I can recommend T5T. It has become a part of my life and a valuable part of both starting my day and creating a sense of well being. T5T bridges the gap between the psychological and the physical and offers an effective and quick exercise ritual that enhances well being, vitality and inner strength. "...

Helene Ludwig, BA Hon. MA. Dip. Aromatherapy, Therapeutic Massage, Bowen, NLP, Solution Oriented Hypnotherapy and Counselling, Reiki 1 & 2, Cert. T5T Teacher
""Fitness and wellbeing have always been important to me. I had been going to the gym and swimming pool for a number of years and, as much as I enjoyed that, I started to feel restricted and stressed by a schedule influenced by avoidance of crowd and traffic. When I heard Carolinda Witt talking about "just 10 minutes a day for health, vitality and wellbeing", I was absolutely delighted and decided to learn T5T. Since then, my lower back has greatly improved, my bowel movement is more regular, my bladder is better controlled. I somewhat get the feeling that my spine is defying gravity!"

Lynda Santich – Pre-School Teacher, Entrepreneur Natural Health Industry, Registered T5T Instructor (& mother of three children)
"My chiropractor recommended that I learn T5T to improve my health. I used to experience a feeling that I couldn't breathe before learning the Energy Breathing method in T5T. The very first moment I started practising it, I felt that I could at last draw a full breath. This was a very rewarding experience for me. Within 3 months of practising T5T I was able to give up my use of Ventolin. My constant neck pain has completely cleared up and I feel stronger physically and mentally than I have for years. Being involved in the health industry has enabled me to seek out many alternatives to improve my health and wellbeing, but none have been as profound as practising T5T daily. The health benefits for me personally have been enormous; increased flexibility, stronger neck, back and abdominals, huge improvements in my breathing patterns, and increased mental clarity and focus. I believe T5T is the perfect complement to any health care system that people may have already chosen. "

Branko Kristevic - Chiropractor & Osteopath D.C, D
"The movements in T5T will improve your flexibility and strengthen your body. Coupled with correct full breathing, they help to delay aging by improving circulation, flushing out toxins and strengthening your immune system. T5T stimulates the flow of chi throughout the body increasing energy, releasing stress and providing you with a remarkable sense of well-being. As Carolinda’s Chiropractor for the last 13 years, I have seen first hand the enormous physical and mental benefits she and others have gained from T5T."

Libby Ross - Registered Osteopath & Registered T5T Instructor
‘As an osteopath I was looking for an exercise routine that incorporated mind, body and spirit - something that was going to give me energy, strength and flexibility. I spend a lot of time bending over a bench and need good core stability to support my lower back, and T5T has given me this. As an osteopath I see many people injure themselves doing exercise they are not in condition for. However, what I like about T5T is that it is a gradual step by step program, taught safely and under close supervision. This enables gradual strength, flexibility, and core stability to develop - thereby minimising the risk of injury. The breathing and relaxation techniques compliment the rites and provide a solid platform for increased body and mind connection. These benefits combined with the ancient wisdom make T5T a powerful daily ritual and I recommend it to all my patients and anyone who wants improved health and vitality.’

Health Improvement
Jillian Naidu - Registered T5T® Instructor, Master Practitioner NLP, Sign Language Interpreter
"'Prior to discovering T5T I had suffered from long term back pain due to an injury. I had attended physiotherapy, Pilates and hydrotherapy for several years and yet was unable to recover fully from my back weakness. Now not only has my physical strength and flexibility improved greatly, I also find the breathing to be energizing and rejuvenating allowing me to embrace challenges and function at an optimal level. ’T5T is more than a simple and effective combination of exercises. This daily sequence is simple and easy to remember providing me with the vitality, clarity, energy and motivation needed to survive a high powered city existence. "

No back pain anymore and more joy in practising the Rites
I had read “The Fountain of Youth” years ago while on assignment overseas and decided it was for me. Due to my lifestyle and trying to do as many movements as I could from the get-go, I failed in 2 days. Fast forward 10 years. While sitting on the edge of the bed, unable to reach down to put on my socks and having seen a picture of me walking all hunched over, I thought I had become an early version of the Colonel without the cane. At that point, I decided to do the 5 rites as outlined in Peter Kelder’s book. This time I took it slowly. I saw an improvement in my posture and core strength within 10 days but felt I was missing something. I had middle back pain, so I intuitively introduced warmups. (Surprisingly similar to the ones you suggested). But 3 months later, I still had a sore back. I looked at various people on YouTube and what they said about doing the rites. It still seemed like something was wrong. Then I saw your program. I fine-tuned my warmups, implemented your breathing suggestions and did the rites as you pointed out (seeing my errors). Hence 3 weeks later, my back pain has subsided, and there is more joy in doing the rites. Thank you for your well-presented program.

Jacqueline Dobie - MA Counselling
"I strongly recommend T5T to all seeking freshness of new life and energy. I myself successfully live with managing bronchitis. I found T5T helped my breath no-end. I have not had a chest infection once since I started T5T (in a winter period) normally I would have 4 -5 infections in one year, so far none. I recommend T5T to my clients with stress issues, to assist their breathing, their coping skills and stress management. "

Sandy Rowe - Club Manager for over 55's, Vic
"I have been an instructor of T5T for about 4 weeks now. In this time I have taught 17 elderly people from 60-84 years old - but now young!!! The experience has been so emotional for me to see these people firstly doing the Rites (still Tabletop the hardest for them - but getting stronger) and secondly reaping the rewards.
It may seem trivial to some people however, ladies who have had incontinence, no longer need to wear panty liners etc. as they have discovered their pelvic floor muscles. We often take this for granted however they advise me - their generation were never told about this or never talked about it. The embarrassment, odour and cost were all factors.
Others have been energised and been told how well they look. They are loving all the attention and compliments. How often does a 70 or 80 year old receive compliments? There has also been a marked improvement in their self esteem and posture.
In addition to this, I have had another workshop with 8 people and looking forward to my next workshop with 10 on Saturday. That will be 35 in my first 4 weeks.
I love being able to change the lives of people in such a happy and positive way. Of course some of the people have had a detox affect, which is also terrific and we are working onwards and upwards with them.
I have made so many friends that not only has T5T changed their lives, it has changed mine."

Rick Farquharson - Film Maker
"It seems to instantly wake me up in the morning and the dermatitis that I suffer from has almost completely gone. The breathing has really helped me deal with stressful situations and helped me centre myself. "

Robyn Gilbey - Publicist
"I was in a head-on collision when I was fifteen years old. Four of the seven vertebrae in my neck were affected as a result of the accident. I spent the next twenty plus years visiting, chiropractors, osteopaths, masseurs and physiotherapists on a regular basis to help ease the pain I suffered and the inflexibility of movement.
Over the years I attended yoga and gym lessons in addition to aerobics and power-walking classes to strengthen my body and enable me to keep reasonably fit and manage the pain. Carolinda and I had been friends for many years and when she started The 5 Tibetan yoga, I noticed a significant change in her ability to cope with stress and how she just seemed to be more focused and content. It was enough for me to commit to a class and give it a go.
I have now been practicing T5T for three years and couldn’t imagine my life without this programme. I have increased my overall flexibility and haven’t had a neck problem at all during this time. I rarely visit my Osteopath because there is little need. He was also amazed at the turnaround my body took from doing a small number of exercises over a relatively short period of time. I noticed changes within weeks.
Other benefits for me personally have been to do with the breathing, also taught in the class. I breathe better than I ever have and through that, I have improved my relationship with my family, which includes a calmness I’d not really experienced before. I cannot recommend this programme highly enough, and as it only takes me ten minutes a day, it is hardly a sacrifice of my time. "

Sally Walsh (Age: Late 60’s)
"For 6 years I have used “incontinence pads”. For the last 2 weeks since T5T I have had no need for pads. I am in my late 60’s. "

John Clemones - Managing Director - Special Tools & Storage Systems Pty Ltd, Registered T5T Instructor
"I've been doing T5T every day for the last 3 years. I've lost 7 kilos in weight and it stays off without any additional effort!! I've got so much more energy and I feel better all-round. I am less stressed, happy and able to plan my days better. The stiffness in my fingers is much better - almost non-existent. My friends are always saying how much better I look. "

Marija Sutich, Registered T5T Instructor, Business Owner
"I cannot begin to explain how wonderful it was to get back my full mobility in both my neck and back. Doing the 5 Rites has not only made me more supple than I was 10 years ago, I am painfree! (no more cortisone injections for me!) What amazed me was how quickly I began experiencing results. I also believe doing the daily 5 Rites gave me internal strength to help deal with the painful loss of my beloved husband Jim with whom I'd been with since the age of 18. Recently I introduced my sister Elaine to the 5 Rites who has been suffering with painful hips, she too is marvelling at the results she is experiencing after only such a short time."

Maryanne Volicek
"I was diagnosed with cancer in early 2002 and underwent surgery that left me exhausted and debilitated. I soon decided that I needed to do whatever possible to speed the recovery process and sought help in complimentary medicine. I have been a patient of Dr. Qi Xin Chen for over 8 months. Dr Chen has a Master of Health from NSW University and is currently studying for his PHD in traditional Chinese Medicine, specializing in boosting T Cells to combat cancer. After I attended the T5T workshop and learnt The Five Tibetans & Energy Breathing Techniques, Dr. Chen was absolutely astonished at the overall improvement in my Qi (Chee). He asked me to demonstrate the postures and breathing that I had learnt and suggested that due to the astounding changes that had taken place in my body in such a short period of time, that I should continue with the T5T exercises. This together with the acupuncture and meditation I had already commenced were in his opinion, the reason for my rapid recovery."

Annabelle Brown. Acupuncture, Remedial Massage & Reiki
"Using the breathing and T5T together is dynamic. T5T works strongly around the lower chakras, strengthening & energising the Hara. To me it is the physical equivalent of Tibetan chanting. T5T has a strong action on the gut dispelling sluggishness and improving digestive function. I believe that the steps and emphasis Carolinda is using to attain good practice of T5T is safe, and provides a simple practice which takes a realistic amount of time.”

Lynda Santich – Pre-School Teacher, Entrepreneur Natural Health Industry, Registered T5T Instructor (& mother of three children)
"My chiropractor recommended that I learn T5T to improve my health. I used to experience a feeling that I couldn't breathe before learning the Energy Breathing method in T5T. The very first moment I started practising it, I felt that I could at last draw a full breath. This was a very rewarding experience for me. Within 3 months of practising T5T I was able to give up my use of Ventolin. My constant neck pain has completely cleared up and I feel stronger physically and mentally than I have for years. Being involved in the health industry has enabled me to seek out many alternatives to improve my health and wellbeing, but none have been as profound as practising T5T daily. The health benefits for me personally have been enormous; increased flexibility, stronger neck, back and abdominals, huge improvements in my breathing patterns, and increased mental clarity and focus. I believe T5T is the perfect complement to any health care system that people may have already chosen. "

Iain McGregor. Sales Director - Biozone Scientific
"Starting your day with T5T is pure joy. The only way to start your day - every day. It rejuvenates your body, your mind and your spirit in a just few minutes each day. If I had not done it myself, I would find it impossible to appreciate its power. I urge you to add it today to your list of things to do."

Gillian Vale (Age: 7O’s)
"T5T is the first exercise routine that I have enjoyed. I have never been into exercising! I am in my 70’s and have found by doing T5T my sciatic pain, which has been constant for five years has disappeared completely – great!!! I will continue with T5T. "

Greta De Tapia - Interpreter Age 79
"I am now doing 21 of each of the 5 exercises and I find it enjoyable and rewarding to do them every day. It really takes less than 20 minutes to perform them. They improve my physical, emotional and mental health. I feel more relaxed and energetic, even though this sounds like a contradiction of terms, it is a fact."

Helene Ludwig, BA Hon. MA. Dip. Aromatherapy, Therapeutic Massage, Bowen, NLP, Solution Oriented Hypnotherapy and Counselling, Reiki 1 & 2, Cert. T5T Teacher
""Fitness and wellbeing have always been important to me. I had been going to the gym and swimming pool for a number of years and, as much as I enjoyed that, I started to feel restricted and stressed by a schedule influenced by avoidance of crowd and traffic. When I heard Carolinda Witt talking about "just 10 minutes a day for health, vitality and wellbeing", I was absolutely delighted and decided to learn T5T. Since then, my lower back has greatly improved, my bowel movement is more regular, my bladder is better controlled. I somewhat get the feeling that my spine is defying gravity!"

Terez Maru - Registered T5T® Instructor. Yoga Teacher
For many years I have experienced ringing in the ears (tinnitus). As you can imagine this is very annoying & disorientating. Since I started practicing T5T this has completely disappeared! I am a yoga teacher and a massage therapist and I recommend T5T to all my clients. In fact I have just trained as a Certified T5T Teacher as I can attest to its powerful benefits, physically, mentally and spiritually."

Bratislav Petrovic, Electronics Engineer, Registered T5T instructor, Gita International Diploma of Teaching Hatha Yoga, Reiki master, Inner Peace Meditation Teacher
"I had my ear drum damaged and felt realty dizzy when I had to spin during dancing. Around 4 years ago I learnt The Five Rites. Having done the Rites for a few weeks I went to a park with my kids who persuaded me to go on a swing. I started slowly and discovered that I could once again enjoy the swing and later on to even dance. I’ve been doing the Five Rites daily since then. "

Rajendar Menen from Bombay, Author "Karma Sutra - Essays From The Margin", Journalist from Bombay, India
"I have been doing The Five Tibetans for 20 years or so. I have always been athletic and worked out regularly but after starting T5T the changes to my body and soul have been fantastic. I wish to share them and I hope more and more people benefit from T5T.
For one, it takes very little time. You can easily squeeze it into a busy urban executive existence. All you need is 15 minutes a day. You need no equipment, no special clothes, and need very little space. I do it in hotel rooms when I travel. You can also do T5T any time, more than once if you want to every day, as long as you do it on an empty stomach. It becomes a spiritual practice over time. it is easy, inexpensive, thankfully addictive and highly beneficial on all counts. You can't wait to do it the next day.
Two, your body gets incredibly strong. You even get muscular.
Three, all the chakras are optimised and you are radiant and filled with energy. There is no room for depression and loneliness and the feelings of a 'vacuum' that afflicts a lot of mankind.
Four, you automatically hit on 'healthy' food and so your health gets even better.
Five, your heart chakra gets optimised and you get less violent and more loving and kind.
Six, whatever your age (I have shared notes), your sexual energy doesn't dilute. I mention this because this is the age of viagra and sexual enhancement. Why buy expensive and damaging chemicals when T5T does the job?!
Seven, if done slowly and with awareness, T5T leads to great spiritual journeys. You are enveloped by bliss.
Eight, you get more disciplined and your output at work and play multiplies. Life is precious and very short and you realise it and enjoy it more. You also want to share the joys of 'existence'.
I was aiming at a short testimonial!!!
Happy T5Ting. "

Yaja Shlep from USA
I need to share with you my experience with the 5 Rites (or 6...). Usually the results in the testimonials are subjective and reflecting the personal feeling or opinion of the practitioner.
I have empiric results that are quantitative and objective:
Due to my heart condition, my cardiologist have me doing echocardiogram of the heart every 3-6 months. On December 2009 I had a a small degradation with my results so I started to perform the 5 Rites religiously every day with 21 repetitions + warm-up + 10 minutes relaxation.
I did a second echocardiogram a week ago (after 4 months) and I talked with my cardiologist yesterday. He was surprised with the results. For example:
- The thickness of the wall of the heart normal values are 6mm - 11mm. On December my measurements were 12mm (above the normal) last week, the measurements were 10mm NORMAL
- The LVIDD Left Ventricular Internal Dimension normal values are 37mm - 56mm. On December my measurements were 59mm (above the normal) last week, the measurements were 48 mm NORMAL
I was astonished to see such improvement in 4 months and the cardiologist said it is remarkable, especially that I am 55 years young.

Kate Hopkins, Registered T5T® Instructor, Reiki I
"I was introduced to T5T by my sister, at a time in my life when my health had deteriorated. I began practising the rites on a daily basis. As a result, my energy and zest for life began to increase and surpass where I was previously. I started to feel much stronger in body and mind, more centered and at peace. I decided to attend Carolinda's Instructor Training course and haven't looked back since."

John S from South Australia
"I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnoea 3 weeks before attending my T5T weekend course in December last year. I commenced CPAP therapy a week before my course. I have now been carrying out the full 21 rites for a month after taking the 10 weeks to get there progressively, getting there by adding 2 reps per week. I have found that the combination of CPAP & T5T have certainly helped me to reduce my apnoeas (stopping breathing whilst asleep) from an average of 320 per night to zero occurrences.
The positive impact to my life has been quite amazing as it had been many years since I've woken feeling refreshed & I attribute T5T & its energy breathing methods as a major factor in this change. I am now back to a healthier & more wholesome life & thank Carolinda for sharing this simple but powerful experience with me."

Profound changes to my health and well-being
As a 66-year-old male, I have had a lot of small and large difficulties to try and overcome. Neck and shoulder pain, great lack of energy, coughing (I've never smoked), digestive issues, sinus issues for 30 years, prostate issues, poor sleep, feeling cold when I shouldn't be cold, cravings for sweets, and other issues I won't mention. I read about T5T when I was reading the book "Breath" by James Nestor. He devotes a small section to it in his book. I decided to look it up and found the T5T website. The price was very reasonable so I subscribed. After reading the manual and the book I started the program on February 14, 2021 (COVID lockdown was a good time to start). I followed the program exactly as outlined, watched the videos to be sure I was doing them correctly and I got to 21 repetitions of each exercise on April 18th. I ran into a couple of issues with doing the exercises but I looked them up in the manual and was able to correct them without any recurrences. Well, I'm not exaggerating if I say that these exercises are having profound changes to my health and well-being!!! I really had no expectations of these exercises helping me, I'm a sceptic about this kind of thing, especially when they appear to be too good to be true. I have done yoga on and off (mostly off) for decades and liked it. I was just not motivated enough to keep it up. These exercises are yoga-like but not a yoga program as I have experienced yoga. Besides, it takes so little time to do them that I thought I had nothing to lose. Here are some of the things I have written in my journal over the past few weeks: Neck and shoulder pain much reduced ( I was doing some plumbing today which really irritates my neck and shoulders and as I write this I am not experiencing any pain or irritation.), the silent migraines I have been experiencing for years have almost disappeared, my energy levels have increased tremendously( I used to have days that were so bad I could do nothing but sit and sleep in a recliner chair all day.), I wake up feeling rested, breathing is better (likely due to all of the controlled breathing that the exercises require) and almost no coughing, sinus pain and headaches gone and very little post nasal drip (again likely due to the controlled nasal breathing), far less grumpy (that happens to some of us older guys), less cold, digestion much improved and much, much more. I just notice that as each week passes I am feeling better and better. The only change I have made in my life has been adding the T5T exercises. The course was very clearly outlined, loved the videos showing how to do the exercises, loved the sections on what to do if you run into issues doing the exercises (I used these several time to correct posture and remedy pain issues (especially in my wrists). I'm not able to do the exercises in 10 minutes as it appears some are able to do but I'm not in a hurry, no races to win and I actually find it helps to slow down a bit as I can focus on correct technique. For the price, it is a bargain and for what it has done for me I would pay much more to find a program that is having profoundly good changes to my life. Thanks, Robert

Subscriber to the online T5T program
Carolyn Tyrer, Natural Health Practitioner from NSW, Australia
..."I have practiced yoga on and off for over thirty years, but more often than not I find I cannot find the hour or so I need to do a daily practice. What I love about T5T is that it is a very achievable programme to perform daily. Once I start I know I will complete the whole routine within about fifteen minutes. Being a busy working mother I love that I can incorporate this routine in my life.
It is a gratifying way to start the day as it fires up all my engines and makes me mindful of my body. I recently underwent surgery in on my left wrist having a steel plate inserted to screw all my bones back in place. Performing the rites every day has certainly improved the flexibility of my wrist in record breaking time,and also the rest of my body.
I enjoyed the information Carolinda passed on whilst teaching us the rites and her care in making sure we were all in the perfect postures whilst staying mindful to the direction of our breathing."...

Yoga Teachers
Bratislav Petrovic, Electronics Engineer, Registered T5T instructor, Gita International Diploma of Teaching Hatha Yoga, Reiki master, Inner Peace Meditation Teacher
"I had my ear drum damaged and felt realty dizzy when I had to spin during dancing. Around 4 years ago I learnt The Five Rites. Having done the Rites for a few weeks I went to a park with my kids who persuaded me to go on a swing. I started slowly and discovered that I could once again enjoy the swing and later on to even dance. I’ve been doing the Five Rites daily since then. "

Jane Walsh, Registered T5T Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Dip Sales & Marketing from South Australia
"I have been delighted in the reduction of my personal stress, & ability to cope with a job that requires me daily to multi-task. whilst managing a team. And after many years of uncontrollable Sciatica, I now have relief! "

Susan Jenson, Satyananda Yoga Teacher, Registered T5T Instructor, Nurse from Victoria
"I am currently studying as a student teacher of Satyananda Yoga. This is a 3 year diploma which I will complete in 2007. I recently attended Carolinda Witt’s wonderful T5T teacher training course in Melbourne. The ‘Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation’ is a practice I stumbled upon two and a half years ago and have been practicing ever since as part of my daily morning yoga practice. Because of the profound benefits I have gained personally from this ancient practice I felt it was something I would like to share with as many other people as possible. I believe as with all yoga teachings that this would benefit everyone.
I found the teacher training course to be very comprehensive, well paced and professional. The learning atmosphere was relaxed and firm friendships have been established amongst those who attended the nine day course. We learned some fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system including the unchangeable physical factors which may prevent an individual from assuming a particular posture to its fullest physical extent. There was a strong emphasis on the importance of training the core stability muscles for protection of the spine during the postures.
The Rites are taught in a workshop format where clients learn each practice in safe, manageable steps. The course also includes breathing and relaxation practices. Carolinda has included a comprehensive business management component which covers all facets of running the T5T workshops after accreditation. I highly recommend this course to any Yoga teacher or practitioner as part of your personal journey of discovery as well as an opportunity to truly enhance the lives of others"

Jenna Clarke, SolomonYogalates Instructor, Registered T5T Instructor, Bachelor of Education
"Some days I teach 4 classes a day and find it hard to fit in a personal practice. That is how I found T5T. It gives me the energy I need to teach. Since I have been practicing T5T I have noticed that I get more things done. I don't procrastinate and I feel a greater sense of wellbeing."

Terez Maru - Registered T5T® Instructor. Yoga Teacher
For many years I have experienced ringing in the ears (tinnitus). As you can imagine this is very annoying & disorientating. Since I started practicing T5T this has completely disappeared! I am a yoga teacher and a massage therapist and I recommend T5T to all my clients. In fact I have just trained as a Certified T5T Teacher as I can attest to its powerful benefits, physically, mentally and spiritually."

Yvette Keddie - Yoga Teacher - http://www.yoginisy
"Some of us may think this is simply Yoga. Now, through my experience, unless you thoroughly understand the steps to each rite you can cause injury. There a lot of do’s and don’ts - which all makes a huge difference to practicing the rites. The stages of preparation are most important and of course the breathing technique is a key factor in obtaining best results. Carolinda’s CD is brilliant and each morning, when I first began practicing, I couldn’t wait to put it on. It is extremely thorough and professional. I now have great respect for the rites, and when you learn them properly so will you. A wonderful way to begin each day. Thank you so much Carolinda "

Libby Weston – Yoga & Pilates Teacher, Business Owner & Registered T5T Instructor
"As a teacher of Yoga/Pilates and studio owner, I was very thankful to learn that Carolinda had developed her T5T Five Tibetan Rites & Energy Breathing Program. I had discovered the benefits of the ‘Rites' some years ago and had personally been practicing the 'original rites' as part of my own daily practice for many years. As a teacher and business owner I rarely found time to attend class to nurture myself....so the 'Rites' were perfect.
Over time I endeavoured to share the principals of 'the Rites' with clients - however, I struggled with effectively communicating the fundamentals to them, particularly as many carried injuries or had physical of emotional challenges. When I discovered Carolinda’s T5T program I was relieved, as it took all the worry out of safely, effectively and systematically delivering the principals in a professional but easy, duplicatible, 'step-by-step' format.
T5T allowed the absolute beginner to my advanced client to discover the rejuvenating benefits of the 'Rites' in just one workshop!
From a business perspective by being affiliated with T5T and receiving client referrals, I have not only generated another source of income, but have grown also my own studio client base...with many T5T clients becoming motivated to participate in other classes. I feel assured that I am delivering a quality program, with professional 'take home' and support material...that is backed by a 100% money back guarantee.
I would highly recommend T5T to any yoga/pilates teacher who is wanting to either increase their income and client base or provide a 'value add' to their existing clients. "

Mental Clarity/Focus
Jillian Naidu - Registered T5T® Instructor, Master Practitioner NLP, Sign Language Interpreter
"'Prior to discovering T5T I had suffered from long term back pain due to an injury. I had attended physiotherapy, Pilates and hydrotherapy for several years and yet was unable to recover fully from my back weakness. Now not only has my physical strength and flexibility improved greatly, I also find the breathing to be energizing and rejuvenating allowing me to embrace challenges and function at an optimal level. ’T5T is more than a simple and effective combination of exercises. This daily sequence is simple and easy to remember providing me with the vitality, clarity, energy and motivation needed to survive a high powered city existence. "

Helen Kelf - Educator & Networker
"More conscious of how I'm breathing, better clarity in thinking and an increase in energy. I feel happier and more positive. Loved the course. "

D. Braithwaite - Learning and Performance Specialist
"I have found the journey very interesting so far. In fact it is the first time in my life that I have found daily exercise enjoyable. …I have not missed one day and now it's a familiar part of my morning ritual! Truly a record for me. I have definitely improved my flexibility and ability to concentrate. The way I describe it, I feel grounded and centred. There has been some weight loss and a definite improvement in upper body strength."

Gill Stapleton General Manager - Usana Pty Ltd
"T5T became so much part of my daily routine I offered it to my sales team, so that we could apply the principles of T5T to the work environment. It was a great way to build team spirit and has resulted in a more open and harmonious group. I have noticed staff are calmer and better organised in their daily routine. Many team building activities focus only on getting a teams to work together better, T5T offers them a approach to daily living that they can bring to work everyday. "

Craig Gowan - General Manager, Business & Management, Registered T5T Instructor
My interest in T5T has been fuelled by 8 years of yoga practice, all of which I enjoyed, but none of which gave me the energy boost I was after. T5T provides me with the energy I need to easily cope with the challenges of work and personal life. It gives me more focus, the stamina for long days training, and the calmness to enjoy even the most draining situations - all for 10 minutes a day!! Nothing else can give me this boost. "

Rose Ricketson Age 15
"I find that I have more focus and I don't freak out when I have school exams and stuff and I'd like to say that the breathing I think is very beneficial. "

John Gray author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"
..."T5T is an incredible and powerful program. It turns back the clock. It increases your energy, mental clarity and focus. It reduces stress, and improves strength and flexibility. It is capable of restoring your passion and zest for life if you let it. I highly recommend it for anyone willing to improve their life."...

Richard Meikle, Master Personal Trainer & Registered T5T Instructor
"I thought I had enough things to do to maintain my health without adding yoga to my routine. Then I tried T5T. It's amazingly simple, time effective and powerful. I noticed increased energy, greater flexibility and mental clarity. For me, the whole system including the energy breathing, really feels like it's having a big impact on my internal health. Now T5T is the first thing I do every day. That says it all."

Lynda Santich – Pre-School Teacher, Entrepreneur Natural Health Industry, Registered T5T Instructor (& mother of three children)
"My chiropractor recommended that I learn T5T to improve my health. I used to experience a feeling that I couldn't breathe before learning the Energy Breathing method in T5T. The very first moment I started practising it, I felt that I could at last draw a full breath. This was a very rewarding experience for me. Within 3 months of practising T5T I was able to give up my use of Ventolin. My constant neck pain has completely cleared up and I feel stronger physically and mentally than I have for years. Being involved in the health industry has enabled me to seek out many alternatives to improve my health and wellbeing, but none have been as profound as practising T5T daily. The health benefits for me personally have been enormous; increased flexibility, stronger neck, back and abdominals, huge improvements in my breathing patterns, and increased mental clarity and focus. I believe T5T is the perfect complement to any health care system that people may have already chosen. "

It's immensely satisfying!
Today, I graduated to the full 21-rep session! I am the kind of person who would have been tempted to skip the first ten weeks of preparation. But I am so grateful I didn't. Carolinda stressed the importance of the "journey" and not rush to the end. Something about that resonated with me. Now I know why. The journey is whole point! If I hadn't allowed myself to enjoy the journey, I would have treated T5T as another fad exercise routine. I would have eventually gotten bored with it and moved on to the next new thing. But having established the journey as foundational to this practice, I now feel as though I am just getting started. My mobility continues to improve. My focus continues to improve. Hey, 21 repetitions is a lot to track! The mind can easily wander and lose count. Also, my ability to synchronize my breath with the movements continues to improve. My energy breaths are becoming more richer. Even the warm-up routine is improving. I can shake pretty vigorously now without fear of straining or spraining. Everything just keeps getting better! And best of all is the quiet of mind I achieve by the time I finish. It's immensely satisfying!

Subscriber to the online T5T program
Weight Loss/Maintenance
Christine Gardner – Meals on Wheels Co-ordinator – Southern Cross Care
"T5T has made a great impact on my life. It has given me extra energy. My strength has improved and I feel more motivated. I am currently on a weight loss program and needed a good exercise program and feel T5T suits my needs. I totally enjoy T5T, which is amazing as I am not usually the type to exercise. I feel it is a way of life, which I will continue forever. "

Shirley-Anne Lawler, Professional Coach & Business Owner
"The 5 Tibetan exercises are truly remarkable! I believe to the depth of my soul that the regular doing of these exercises contributed greatly to the reduction in my body weight by 8 kgs in 2006. On 1 April I weighted 83 kgs and commenced T5Ts about the same time. By 25 November (my birthday) I weighted 75 kgs!! I am a believer in reducing weight slowly so I was so trilled with this. I did at one time weigh 94kgs and this is the lightest I have been in 20 years. I couldn't even do half a repetition of Rites No 4 & 5, yet I continually persisted each day just to do as much as I could. So little by little I improved in technique and strength. I was absolutely delighted with myself as I could do 21 rotations of each of T5T pose after ONLY 14 weeks. T5T gave me and continues to give me a wonderful sense of amazement - that my body can DO them; a sense of achievement; confidence; increased happiness; an incredible feeling of well-being and the increased my fitness level dramatically!! I would like to say 'thank you' to my friends Chris and Laurie who introduced me to them! They have changed my life!! "

Othmay Razs
"The centrifugal effect of and the weight bearing exercises contribute to a better stronger body, naturally. Its only been 40 days but I feel younger. i have lost weight and people have commented positively. I also respond to people more emphatically than before. There is marked difference between the days i do the exercises and the days that I missed.I am currently experimenting the effect of combining these exercises with some briskwalking. Wish me luck. "

I. van Dyk from Frenchs Forest, Sydney
I've been practicing T5T since Sept 2002. Since then this routine is usually an envigorating start to my day. If I'm unable to do it first thing in the morning it's quite easy to fit in at any other time. No need for a gym and independent of the weather.
Not being a young person I initially had my doubts whether I could reach that magic number. By increasing the number of movements slowly over several weeks I had no problem reaching 21 of each and I find them easy to do. I also feel that breathing in and out during each movement is important for the supply of energy. It makes lasting the distance easier.
My wrist used to hurt in the beginning but got stronger very quickly. Arm and tummy muscles are now nice and firm too. And I find that keeping my weight down is not a problem anymore. So, it's really well worth spending 15 minutes each day. The Five Tibetans have become so much part of my routine that I can't imagine not doing them any more.

D. Braithwaite - Learning and Performance Specialist
"I have found the journey very interesting so far. In fact it is the first time in my life that I have found daily exercise enjoyable. …I have not missed one day and now it's a familiar part of my morning ritual! Truly a record for me. I have definitely improved my flexibility and ability to concentrate. The way I describe it, I feel grounded and centred. There has been some weight loss and a definite improvement in upper body strength."

John Clemones - Managing Director - Special Tools & Storage Systems Pty Ltd, Registered T5T Instructor
"I've been doing T5T every day for the last 3 years. I've lost 7 kilos in weight and it stays off without any additional effort!! I've got so much more energy and I feel better all-round. I am less stressed, happy and able to plan my days better. The stiffness in my fingers is much better - almost non-existent. My friends are always saying how much better I look. "

Percy Gailis (74 yrs)
"Since taking up T5T my fitness and energy have improved by 100%. I have also lost weight and am sleeping marvellously. All in all I feel invigorated all over. Thanks again to T5T. I am 74 years young. "

Hormonal Changes
Kaye Gartner - Accupuncture, M. Health Science (TCM), Fellow AAC
"I have practiced T5T in the bedroom, at the beach, in the park; when travelling, when tired, when I didn’t really want to. My reward is a body that is lean and toned, with energy to spare. It has helped me manage peri menopausal symptoms of tiredness and low energy with ease. This is why I recommend T5T to my patients."

Added Anonymously to our Website from Africa
But I have noticed that people are always surprised when I tell them my age. My partner has told me that my sexual drive has dramatically increased since I started to do the 5 rites. T5T has now become part and parcel of by morning routine, and I intend to stay with them for the rest of my life. I will try your affirmations, too and see what results I get!

Calmer, Less Stressed
Craig Gowan - General Manager, Business & Management, Registered T5T Instructor
My interest in T5T has been fuelled by 8 years of yoga practice, all of which I enjoyed, but none of which gave me the energy boost I was after. T5T provides me with the energy I need to easily cope with the challenges of work and personal life. It gives me more focus, the stamina for long days training, and the calmness to enjoy even the most draining situations - all for 10 minutes a day!! Nothing else can give me this boost. "

Gill Stapleton General Manager - Usana Pty Ltd
"T5T became so much part of my daily routine I offered it to my sales team, so that we could apply the principles of T5T to the work environment. It was a great way to build team spirit and has resulted in a more open and harmonious group. I have noticed staff are calmer and better organised in their daily routine. Many team building activities focus only on getting a teams to work together better, T5T offers them a approach to daily living that they can bring to work everyday. "

Dr. John F. Demartini - "The Secret" Teacher - Bestselling author of The Breakthrough Experience - A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation
"T5T is simple, practical, effective and certainly mind/body altering. If you would love to become rejuvenated, remain calm, feel more vitality, be more flexible and simply look your absolute best, then now there is a new way to experience a greater state of wellbeing that takes just minutes a day, but lasts a lifetime."

Greta De Tapia - Interpreter Age 79
"I am now doing 21 of each of the 5 exercises and I find it enjoyable and rewarding to do them every day. It really takes less than 20 minutes to perform them. They improve my physical, emotional and mental health. I feel more relaxed and energetic, even though this sounds like a contradiction of terms, it is a fact."

John Clemones - Managing Director - Special Tools & Storage Systems Pty Ltd, Registered T5T Instructor
"I've been doing T5T every day for the last 3 years. I've lost 7 kilos in weight and it stays off without any additional effort!! I've got so much more energy and I feel better all-round. I am less stressed, happy and able to plan my days better. The stiffness in my fingers is much better - almost non-existent. My friends are always saying how much better I look. "

Karen Bayly - Registered T5T Instructor, PhD Zoology, Certificate IV in Training & Assessment
T5T gives me the energy I need to do all the things I want to do. It has provided stability, calmness, and a place to come home to at both the best and worst times of my life. "

Roma Gaster - Corporate Consultant/Facilitator from Sydney, Australia
"As a result of doing T5T I am experiencing more energy, body strength and tone. I'm sleeping better and find that I'm more alert and aware of self and others. I have experienced physical and emotional calmness."

Jane Walsh, Registered T5T Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Dip Sales & Marketing from South Australia
"I have been delighted in the reduction of my personal stress, & ability to cope with a job that requires me daily to multi-task. whilst managing a team. And after many years of uncontrollable Sciatica, I now have relief! "

Natalie Wareham - Occupational Therapist (BAppSc – OT) & Kinesiologist, Lecturer, Registered T5T Instructor
"T5T is a simple and invigorating set of exercises which improve physical and mental wellbeing. The very nature of the exercises and the teaching will enable anyone to increase their physical strength and joint mobility. The inclusion of breathing exercises not only assists in the movement of qi and meridian (life) energy but also in stress reduction and quieting the mind. The end result is daily balance and stability – the best combination for health and wellbeing. "

Tory Davidson, Registered T5T Instructor, Holistic Kinesiologist, Skin Therapist from Young, NSW, Australia
As a Holistic Kinesiologist I encourage visualizations and meditations. I also offer the idetox program within my Clinic. With this procedure my clients are required to be stationary for at least 30 minutes, and so it was a perfect opportunity to incorporate meditation within the treatment. For this I use Carolinda Witt's audio CD, which includes three meditations that focus on the Breath. The response from my clients has been of total relaxation and awareness of the power of the "Healing Breath". They just love it and have commented how wonderful it is to just STOP and BREATHE!!!!!!!!!

Jacqueline Dobie - MA Counselling
"I strongly recommend T5T to all seeking freshness of new life and energy. I myself successfully live with managing bronchitis. I found T5T helped my breath no-end. I have not had a chest infection once since I started T5T (in a winter period) normally I would have 4 -5 infections in one year, so far none. I recommend T5T to my clients with stress issues, to assist their breathing, their coping skills and stress management. "

Rick Farquharson - Film Maker
"It seems to instantly wake me up in the morning and the dermatitis that I suffer from has almost completely gone. The breathing has really helped me deal with stressful situations and helped me centre myself. "

Paul Wilson, bestselling author of "The Little Book of Calm"
I never thought it would be possible to gain more energy and become more relaxed in only 10 minutes a day. But T5T manages just that. Amazing."

John Gray author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"
..."T5T is an incredible and powerful program. It turns back the clock. It increases your energy, mental clarity and focus. It reduces stress, and improves strength and flexibility. It is capable of restoring your passion and zest for life if you let it. I highly recommend it for anyone willing to improve their life."...

Original Rites v T5T - Learning & Practicing
Anita Revel - Author of "The Goddess Diet" & "The 7 Day Chakra Workout" from WA, Australia
..."I first met the author, Carolinda Witt, in 2005 when she introduced me to the "5 Tibetans". At thetime I was sleeping badly, feeling sluggish and not enjoying life at all. I was immediately impressed with Carolinda's caring attitude and willingness to show me the five simple moves that would change my life. Carolinda was very thorough in teaching the movements correctly, which are beautifully presented in the book and poster. I am forever grateful for having been introduced to the T5T program, and absolutely recommend the book, poster and CD."...

Anita Boser - author of "Relieve Stiffness and Feel Young Again with Undulation"
"When I read the Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth years ago I was intrigued by the incredible results that readers achieved. However, the exercises were too difficult for me and I hurt my shoulder doing the fourth and fifth ones. Fast forward five years and I come across T5T: The 10-Minute Rejuvenation Plan. From day one, I was able to follow the plan from the book and do the exercises every day. I feel great!
Not only does the author break the exercises into steps that reduce the risk of injury, she includes core strength and breathing exercises that make the movements accessible to people who live in an industrial society. After all, we don't have the lifestyle of Tibetan monks. I also like the warm up exercises in the book, which help me prepare for hiking and jogging.
While these are exercises for the body and they do add strength and flexibility, the biggest impact is on my energy level. I get a sense of jubilation and feeling of being carefree that lasts through the day.
I highly recommend this book for people of all activity levels. If you are too tired, this plan will give you energy. If you already are active, this is a wonderful complement to any exercise program. "...

Averil Coe
" The T5T is going very well. I am taking it very slowly and just doing what my body is ready for. I am now up to 7 reps of each rite though some are still fairly modified. Because I have done so much of this sort of thing over the years it is very easy to get into the routine. I get up 10 minutes earlier each week day and shower and then do the warm up and the rites. Already I am noticing a difference in my energy levels - both physically and emotionally which is very exciting - given that I am spending so little time on the activities.
I think the biggest thing for me with the T5T program is that it has given me permission to take things in very small increments and to also radically modify the positions to allow for various current body weaknesses, whilst still being able to maintain the overall integrity of the Rites. Before I felt like I had to climb a huge mountain with a weak and unprepared body which was very discouraging. I also realize and appreciate all the yoga and other spiritual practice that I have done in the past - so much of it naturally comes into play now that I am doing the T5T.
I have started taking my small yoga group again and had a very interesting experience - the first day I found that (naturally) my body was more limber and flexible and I did quite a thorough session - felt great. But the next day I felt dreadful. Naturally as I feel more energized I am tending to take a bit better care of myself - eating well, incorporating flax seed oil into my diet, taking the natural calcium supplement etc. "

Susie Lapin - Physiotherapist from Sydney, Australia
"Users of this book will build up strength and flexibility if they follow Carolinda’s graded step to step plan – with mastery of each stage an essential goal before moving on to the next level of difficulty. The sections on breathing and core stability are a vital part of this program. The instructions are very clear and the use of many photographs makes this book easy to follow and a pleasure to use. "

Amanda Hampson, bestselling author of "The Olive Sisters"
I've been interested in the Five Tibetans for some time and tried to learn it via youtube demos etc but was always concerned that I didn't really know what I was doing or why or if it was correct.
This book provides the full story (finally!) and is destined to become the bible of the Tibetan practice because it gives you everything you'll ever need to know. Looks good too!

Workshop Manual is Fantastic - One of the Best I've Seen
As a 68-year-old male residing in Melbourne, and with a new hip and ongoing back and neck arthritic challenges, and the Covid lockdown during 2020, I had plenty of time to seek some new form of health/fitness pursuit to assist me in coping with them into the future.
From my reading/research into "How to Breathe Correctly," which in itself is a fascinating subject, I stumbled onto the 5 Tibetan Rites. There is quite a lot of information on these, so I pushed further and stumbled onto Carolinda Witt's T5T website and was immediately attracted to her approach to their teachings. My concern was whether my body would hold up to what can first appear to be difficult movements; however, by investing in her package, including a fantastic workbook and video lessons, where you step quietly and softly over a period of a few months. This was appealing to me to tread slowly.
What is even better is the step by step for several of the more demanding rites so that you don't have to do the full rite at first. She provides alternative movements to build you up, and over time you add more repetitions each week. Additionally, she has been very supportive and encouraging and open to questions, etc. The workbook manual is fantastic and easy to follow—one of the best I have seen in this industry. I am only a few weeks into this program but have confidence that I will continue to the end and be successful and stronger at the end of it. Thanks, Carolinda, for your support.

Subscriber to the online T5T program
Jan Jenson OBDS (Optimal Breathing Specialist) from NC, USA
"I’ve been one of those “health nuts” since 1968. Back in the mid 80’s I came across an article entitled “The Fountain of Youth” (which I STILL have!) and practiced the Tibetan Rites as brought back from Tibet by Col. Bradford.
I was in my mid-40’s and in EXCELLENT physical shape from working hard all my life, particularly since 1976 when I got into the ironworkers (as a single mom raising a daughter).
After practicing the 7 Tibetan Rites I experienced lower back and neck pains… so I quit doing them so often… and still the pain persisted whenever I DID the exercises – so I stopped!
Fast forward 25 years... I retired from ironworking in 2002 and began working in an office, sitting at a desk 8-12 hours a day. Flabby muscles just don’t get it… so I searched for simple exercises … and ran across the T5T website because of a breathing comment by Mike White (www.breathing.com), who trained me as an Optimal Breathing Development Specialist.
I began an email dialogue with Carolinda Witt about T5T, and learned it’s something I tried 20 years earlier, revised and improved to strengthen the back and neck as you do the postures.
I was eager to learn T5T because it’s EASY, EFFECTIVE and only takes 10-15 minutes a day to keep in shape and consistently FEEL GOOD! Carolinda's book makes it so easy to follow and learn - ANYONE can use it. I like the way you start slowly, building strength up gradually and focusing on developing core strength to protect the spine.
To my absolute delight, I discovered I CAN do these exercises. I also like the daily focus on breathing - the explanations in the book are really informative and clear. As a breathing coach, I know how incredibly important it is to breath correctly and Carolinda's method will certainly help most people breathe deeper, slower and fuller.
Starting slowly and building up repetitions helped me gain back physical strength, personal satisfaction and a feeling of well-being and satisfaction with my life once again! It’s wonderful, in my mid-60’s, to find something to be ENTHUSIASTIC about that utilizes much of what I teach in Optimal Breathing.
Everyone from 3 to 103 can learn to stay or get HEALTHY. It’s EASY, inexpensive, FUN and effective!

Anni Casey - Accredited Natural Therapist, Massage, Meditation, Kinesiology
"I attended a workshop to learn the 5 Tibetan Rites and the teacher rushed through the Rites without giving consideration to technique or to performing the Rites safely. I was disappointed as I learnt nothing and therefore wasted my money. Not giving up hope, I searched the Web for books or DVD’s on the Rites. Fortunately I found Carolinda Witt’s T5T. The book is beautifully presented with a complete explanation of the background to the 5 Tibetan Rites and detailed pictures of each Rite broken down into steps. All the safety aspects and different fitness levels are addressed. I have found the companion DVD wonderful as it guides you through each week so that you flow naturally to the next level. If you are looking to learn the 5 Tibetan Rites, look no further – this is everything you need to gain an understanding of the Rites and perform them effectively. "

Added Anonymously to our Website from USA
I started with Peter Kelder's book, "Ancient Secret of The Fountain of Youth" in the early 1990's doing the Five Rites. I did notice that there was no mention of what to do about pre-existing physical conditions and certainly no mention of strengthening one's core and protecting one's spine.
Shortly thereafter, I found a book by Christopher S. Kilham entitled "The Five Tibetans--Five Dynamic Exercises for Health, Energy and Personal Power." Certainly way more comprehensive in explaining about the body; the mind; breathing; chakras and the how, when and where to practice. But in the end, it too came up a bit short. I stuck with it for a few months but it didn' t quite grab me.
Fast-forward to the summer of 2009 and I have a yen to get back to it. In ten weeks, I got back up to the prescribed twenty-one repetitions per rite everyday. Then it dawned on me to check the Internet just to see what was out there, where I discovered T5T! I really like your totally comprehensive approach and the beginner-intermediate-advanced format. I especially like your emphasis on core stabilization and strengthening. That alone has been a tremendous boost to my routine. Thanks very much for an excellent program!

Carolyn Tyrer, Natural Health Practitioner from NSW, Australia
..."I have practiced yoga on and off for over thirty years, but more often than not I find I cannot find the hour or so I need to do a daily practice. What I love about T5T is that it is a very achievable programme to perform daily. Once I start I know I will complete the whole routine within about fifteen minutes. Being a busy working mother I love that I can incorporate this routine in my life.
It is a gratifying way to start the day as it fires up all my engines and makes me mindful of my body. I recently underwent surgery in on my left wrist having a steel plate inserted to screw all my bones back in place. Performing the rites every day has certainly improved the flexibility of my wrist in record breaking time,and also the rest of my body.
I enjoyed the information Carolinda passed on whilst teaching us the rites and her care in making sure we were all in the perfect postures whilst staying mindful to the direction of our breathing."...

Yvette Keddie - Yoga Teacher - http://www.yoginisy
"Some of us may think this is simply Yoga. Now, through my experience, unless you thoroughly understand the steps to each rite you can cause injury. There a lot of do’s and don’ts - which all makes a huge difference to practicing the rites. The stages of preparation are most important and of course the breathing technique is a key factor in obtaining best results. Carolinda’s CD is brilliant and each morning, when I first began practicing, I couldn’t wait to put it on. It is extremely thorough and professional. I now have great respect for the rites, and when you learn them properly so will you. A wonderful way to begin each day. Thank you so much Carolinda "

Libby Ross - Registered Osteopath & Registered T5T Instructor
‘As an osteopath I was looking for an exercise routine that incorporated mind, body and spirit - something that was going to give me energy, strength and flexibility. I spend a lot of time bending over a bench and need good core stability to support my lower back, and T5T has given me this. As an osteopath I see many people injure themselves doing exercise they are not in condition for. However, what I like about T5T is that it is a gradual step by step program, taught safely and under close supervision. This enables gradual strength, flexibility, and core stability to develop - thereby minimising the risk of injury. The breathing and relaxation techniques compliment the rites and provide a solid platform for increased body and mind connection. These benefits combined with the ancient wisdom make T5T a powerful daily ritual and I recommend it to all my patients and anyone who wants improved health and vitality.’

Kerina Condous - Marketing & Communications Manage
"T5T is very beneficial in a work environment as it supports common goals and shared experience. Carolinda as a trainer exemplifies the T5T approach to life. Her very human training supported by her expertise made the overall experience very impactful. "

Libby Weston – Yoga & Pilates Teacher, Business Owner & Registered T5T Instructor
"As a teacher of Yoga/Pilates and studio owner, I was very thankful to learn that Carolinda had developed her T5T Five Tibetan Rites & Energy Breathing Program. I had discovered the benefits of the ‘Rites' some years ago and had personally been practicing the 'original rites' as part of my own daily practice for many years. As a teacher and business owner I rarely found time to attend class to nurture myself....so the 'Rites' were perfect.
Over time I endeavoured to share the principals of 'the Rites' with clients - however, I struggled with effectively communicating the fundamentals to them, particularly as many carried injuries or had physical of emotional challenges. When I discovered Carolinda’s T5T program I was relieved, as it took all the worry out of safely, effectively and systematically delivering the principals in a professional but easy, duplicatible, 'step-by-step' format.
T5T allowed the absolute beginner to my advanced client to discover the rejuvenating benefits of the 'Rites' in just one workshop!
From a business perspective by being affiliated with T5T and receiving client referrals, I have not only generated another source of income, but have grown also my own studio client base...with many T5T clients becoming motivated to participate in other classes. I feel assured that I am delivering a quality program, with professional 'take home' and support material...that is backed by a 100% money back guarantee.
I would highly recommend T5T to any yoga/pilates teacher who is wanting to either increase their income and client base or provide a 'value add' to their existing clients. "

Well being, Happier
Jenna Clarke, SolomonYogalates Instructor, Registered T5T Instructor, Bachelor of Education
"Some days I teach 4 classes a day and find it hard to fit in a personal practice. That is how I found T5T. It gives me the energy I need to teach. Since I have been practicing T5T I have noticed that I get more things done. I don't procrastinate and I feel a greater sense of wellbeing."

Branko Kristevic - Chiropractor & Osteopath D.C, D
"The movements in T5T will improve your flexibility and strengthen your body. Coupled with correct full breathing, they help to delay aging by improving circulation, flushing out toxins and strengthening your immune system. T5T stimulates the flow of chi throughout the body increasing energy, releasing stress and providing you with a remarkable sense of well-being. As Carolinda’s Chiropractor for the last 13 years, I have seen first hand the enormous physical and mental benefits she and others have gained from T5T."

Barbara Mair – Treasurer 55+ Club
"I am in my 70’s and have recently had heart surgery. Since starting T5T my sleeping has improved and I have more energy. I am thoroughly enjoying this type of exercise and never miss doing it. I have a set routine now. "

Rajendar Menen from Bombay, Author "Karma Sutra - Essays From The Margin", Journalist from Bombay, India
"I have been doing The Five Tibetans for 20 years or so. I have always been athletic and worked out regularly but after starting T5T the changes to my body and soul have been fantastic. I wish to share them and I hope more and more people benefit from T5T.
For one, it takes very little time. You can easily squeeze it into a busy urban executive existence. All you need is 15 minutes a day. You need no equipment, no special clothes, and need very little space. I do it in hotel rooms when I travel. You can also do T5T any time, more than once if you want to every day, as long as you do it on an empty stomach. It becomes a spiritual practice over time. it is easy, inexpensive, thankfully addictive and highly beneficial on all counts. You can't wait to do it the next day.
Two, your body gets incredibly strong. You even get muscular.
Three, all the chakras are optimised and you are radiant and filled with energy. There is no room for depression and loneliness and the feelings of a 'vacuum' that afflicts a lot of mankind.
Four, you automatically hit on 'healthy' food and so your health gets even better.
Five, your heart chakra gets optimised and you get less violent and more loving and kind.
Six, whatever your age (I have shared notes), your sexual energy doesn't dilute. I mention this because this is the age of viagra and sexual enhancement. Why buy expensive and damaging chemicals when T5T does the job?!
Seven, if done slowly and with awareness, T5T leads to great spiritual journeys. You are enveloped by bliss.
Eight, you get more disciplined and your output at work and play multiplies. Life is precious and very short and you realise it and enjoy it more. You also want to share the joys of 'existence'.
I was aiming at a short testimonial!!!
Happy T5Ting. "

John Gray author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"
..."T5T is an incredible and powerful program. It turns back the clock. It increases your energy, mental clarity and focus. It reduces stress, and improves strength and flexibility. It is capable of restoring your passion and zest for life if you let it. I highly recommend it for anyone willing to improve their life."...

Shirley-Anne Lawler, Professional Coach & Business Owner
"The 5 Tibetan exercises are truly remarkable! I believe to the depth of my soul that the regular doing of these exercises contributed greatly to the reduction in my body weight by 8 kgs in 2006. On 1 April I weighted 83 kgs and commenced T5Ts about the same time. By 25 November (my birthday) I weighted 75 kgs!! I am a believer in reducing weight slowly so I was so trilled with this. I did at one time weigh 94kgs and this is the lightest I have been in 20 years. I couldn't even do half a repetition of Rites No 4 & 5, yet I continually persisted each day just to do as much as I could. So little by little I improved in technique and strength. I was absolutely delighted with myself as I could do 21 rotations of each of T5T pose after ONLY 14 weeks. T5T gave me and continues to give me a wonderful sense of amazement - that my body can DO them; a sense of achievement; confidence; increased happiness; an incredible feeling of well-being and the increased my fitness level dramatically!! I would like to say 'thank you' to my friends Chris and Laurie who introduced me to them! They have changed my life!! "

John S from South Australia
"I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnoea 3 weeks before attending my T5T weekend course in December last year. I commenced CPAP therapy a week before my course. I have now been carrying out the full 21 rites for a month after taking the 10 weeks to get there progressively, getting there by adding 2 reps per week. I have found that the combination of CPAP & T5T have certainly helped me to reduce my apnoeas (stopping breathing whilst asleep) from an average of 320 per night to zero occurrences.
The positive impact to my life has been quite amazing as it had been many years since I've woken feeling refreshed & I attribute T5T & its energy breathing methods as a major factor in this change. I am now back to a healthier & more wholesome life & thank Carolinda for sharing this simple but powerful experience with me."

Dianna Kooiker - Melbourne
"First and foremost, Thank You! I have now practiced T5T every morning this year at 5 am and know without doubt that I will continue this practice. More energy, greater levels of concentration, unforeseen muscle toning, greater flexibility, improved circulation, the list goes on and on. Suffice to say that I am now 49 years old, I work 55 plus hours pw and have more energy than many 25 year olds! I first learnt of the 5 Tibetans whilst attending yoga classes for 2 years, I now practice on my own as I enjoy the rare solitude of the early mornings and find T5T a great way to begin a meditation each day. For this meditation I simply follow the 7 spiritual laws of yoga as described by Deepak Chopra. My very sincere thanks to you for your book and for the fantastic results that I have experienced. "

Sandy Rowe - Club Manager for over 55's, Vic
"I have been an instructor of T5T for about 4 weeks now. In this time I have taught 17 elderly people from 60-84 years old - but now young!!! The experience has been so emotional for me to see these people firstly doing the Rites (still Tabletop the hardest for them - but getting stronger) and secondly reaping the rewards.
It may seem trivial to some people however, ladies who have had incontinence, no longer need to wear panty liners etc. as they have discovered their pelvic floor muscles. We often take this for granted however they advise me - their generation were never told about this or never talked about it. The embarrassment, odour and cost were all factors.
Others have been energised and been told how well they look. They are loving all the attention and compliments. How often does a 70 or 80 year old receive compliments? There has also been a marked improvement in their self esteem and posture.
In addition to this, I have had another workshop with 8 people and looking forward to my next workshop with 10 on Saturday. That will be 35 in my first 4 weeks.
I love being able to change the lives of people in such a happy and positive way. Of course some of the people have had a detox affect, which is also terrific and we are working onwards and upwards with them.
I have made so many friends that not only has T5T changed their lives, it has changed mine."

Marija Sutich, Registered T5T Instructor, Business Owner
"I cannot begin to explain how wonderful it was to get back my full mobility in both my neck and back. Doing the 5 Rites has not only made me more supple than I was 10 years ago, I am painfree! (no more cortisone injections for me!) What amazed me was how quickly I began experiencing results. I also believe doing the daily 5 Rites gave me internal strength to help deal with the painful loss of my beloved husband Jim with whom I'd been with since the age of 18. Recently I introduced my sister Elaine to the 5 Rites who has been suffering with painful hips, she too is marvelling at the results she is experiencing after only such a short time."

Zewdi Zeyen (65 years)
"I am so full of energy. I want to run and I can't stop doing things in the house. I just feel very happy. "

Karen Bayly - Registered T5T Instructor, PhD Zoology, Certificate IV in Training & Assessment
T5T gives me the energy I need to do all the things I want to do. It has provided stability, calmness, and a place to come home to at both the best and worst times of my life. "

Othmay Razs
"The centrifugal effect of and the weight bearing exercises contribute to a better stronger body, naturally. Its only been 40 days but I feel younger. i have lost weight and people have commented positively. I also respond to people more emphatically than before. There is marked difference between the days i do the exercises and the days that I missed.I am currently experimenting the effect of combining these exercises with some briskwalking. Wish me luck. "

Helen Kelf - Educator & Networker
"More conscious of how I'm breathing, better clarity in thinking and an increase in energy. I feel happier and more positive. Loved the course. "

Dr. John F. Demartini - "The Secret" Teacher - Bestselling author of The Breakthrough Experience - A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation
"T5T is simple, practical, effective and certainly mind/body altering. If you would love to become rejuvenated, remain calm, feel more vitality, be more flexible and simply look your absolute best, then now there is a new way to experience a greater state of wellbeing that takes just minutes a day, but lasts a lifetime."

Barry Zworestine. Clinical Psychologist; B.A.(Honours); M.A. Clinical Psychology M.A.P.S; Secondary Teachers Diploma; Diploma in Specialised Education
..."T5T offers a ritual of breathing away the tensions both physically and emotionally, it offers a daily opportunity to stretch and strengthen the body as well as release the issues that we all carry in the moments of living our lives. As part of a process of both physical, emotional and psychological well being I can recommend T5T. It has become a part of my life and a valuable part of both starting my day and creating a sense of well being. T5T bridges the gap between the psychological and the physical and offers an effective and quick exercise ritual that enhances well being, vitality and inner strength. "...

Anita Revel - Author of "The Goddess Diet" & "The 7 Day Chakra Workout" from WA, Australia
..."I first met the author, Carolinda Witt, in 2005 when she introduced me to the "5 Tibetans". At thetime I was sleeping badly, feeling sluggish and not enjoying life at all. I was immediately impressed with Carolinda's caring attitude and willingness to show me the five simple moves that would change my life. Carolinda was very thorough in teaching the movements correctly, which are beautifully presented in the book and poster. I am forever grateful for having been introduced to the T5T program, and absolutely recommend the book, poster and CD."...

Win Nitschke from New Zealand
"I am a widow in my seventies, I learned how to do these Tibetan exercises some years ago at yoga, and they definitely work. I redecorated my whole house last year, all by myself, I ride a bike, play golf, do yoga, and T5T. I look after a huge garden, grow fruit and vegetables, do voluntary gardening, and have energy to spare. I feel very blessed to be where I am at this stage of life. Life is indeed wonderful. "

Sleep Improvement
David & Irene Ho from Melbourne
" We have only learnt T5T for a few weeks. We do it as a morning routine. It is certainly great to laugh & learn together with a partner. Not to mention the fact that it is great to develop a healthy discipline. Perhaps it is a bit early to see the long term T5T benefit for us. At this stage, we do feel that we sleep soundly & sleep through every night. Thank you Sandy for guiding us carefully step by step in developing our skills in doing T5T. With your thorough approach, we can avoid getting injury. When we first look at the pictures of all the posture of T5T exercises, we thought we could never achieve those difficult form. Now, it just builds up bit by bit every week. We are very lucky to have a friend who are genuinely interested in our well being. You are a true leader who put endless effort into helping the sick, sad & lonely. This is a great gift you have given us. Thank you! "

John S from South Australia
"I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnoea 3 weeks before attending my T5T weekend course in December last year. I commenced CPAP therapy a week before my course. I have now been carrying out the full 21 rites for a month after taking the 10 weeks to get there progressively, getting there by adding 2 reps per week. I have found that the combination of CPAP & T5T have certainly helped me to reduce my apnoeas (stopping breathing whilst asleep) from an average of 320 per night to zero occurrences.
The positive impact to my life has been quite amazing as it had been many years since I've woken feeling refreshed & I attribute T5T & its energy breathing methods as a major factor in this change. I am now back to a healthier & more wholesome life & thank Carolinda for sharing this simple but powerful experience with me."

Anita Revel - Author of "The Goddess Diet" & "The 7 Day Chakra Workout" from WA, Australia
..."I first met the author, Carolinda Witt, in 2005 when she introduced me to the "5 Tibetans". At thetime I was sleeping badly, feeling sluggish and not enjoying life at all. I was immediately impressed with Carolinda's caring attitude and willingness to show me the five simple moves that would change my life. Carolinda was very thorough in teaching the movements correctly, which are beautifully presented in the book and poster. I am forever grateful for having been introduced to the T5T program, and absolutely recommend the book, poster and CD."...

Barbara Mair – Treasurer 55+ Club
"I am in my 70’s and have recently had heart surgery. Since starting T5T my sleeping has improved and I have more energy. I am thoroughly enjoying this type of exercise and never miss doing it. I have a set routine now. "

Percy Gailis (74 yrs)
"Since taking up T5T my fitness and energy have improved by 100%. I have also lost weight and am sleeping marvellously. All in all I feel invigorated all over. Thanks again to T5T. I am 74 years young. "

Roma Gaster - Corporate Consultant/Facilitator from Sydney, Australia
"As a result of doing T5T I am experiencing more energy, body strength and tone. I'm sleeping better and find that I'm more alert and aware of self and others. I have experienced physical and emotional calmness."

T5T Instructor Training
Susan Jenson, Satyananda Yoga Teacher, Registered T5T Instructor, Nurse from Victoria
"I am currently studying as a student teacher of Satyananda Yoga. This is a 3 year diploma which I will complete in 2007. I recently attended Carolinda Witt’s wonderful T5T teacher training course in Melbourne. The ‘Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation’ is a practice I stumbled upon two and a half years ago and have been practicing ever since as part of my daily morning yoga practice. Because of the profound benefits I have gained personally from this ancient practice I felt it was something I would like to share with as many other people as possible. I believe as with all yoga teachings that this would benefit everyone.
I found the teacher training course to be very comprehensive, well paced and professional. The learning atmosphere was relaxed and firm friendships have been established amongst those who attended the nine day course. We learned some fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system including the unchangeable physical factors which may prevent an individual from assuming a particular posture to its fullest physical extent. There was a strong emphasis on the importance of training the core stability muscles for protection of the spine during the postures.
The Rites are taught in a workshop format where clients learn each practice in safe, manageable steps. The course also includes breathing and relaxation practices. Carolinda has included a comprehensive business management component which covers all facets of running the T5T workshops after accreditation. I highly recommend this course to any Yoga teacher or practitioner as part of your personal journey of discovery as well as an opportunity to truly enhance the lives of others"

Terez Maru - Registered T5T® Instructor. Yoga Teacher
For many years I have experienced ringing in the ears (tinnitus). As you can imagine this is very annoying & disorientating. Since I started practicing T5T this has completely disappeared! I am a yoga teacher and a massage therapist and I recommend T5T to all my clients. In fact I have just trained as a Certified T5T Teacher as I can attest to its powerful benefits, physically, mentally and spiritually."

Kate Hopkins, Registered T5T® Instructor, Reiki I
"I was introduced to T5T by my sister, at a time in my life when my health had deteriorated. I began practising the rites on a daily basis. As a result, my energy and zest for life began to increase and surpass where I was previously. I started to feel much stronger in body and mind, more centered and at peace. I decided to attend Carolinda's Instructor Training course and haven't looked back since."

Leanne Edwards - Yoga Teacher, T5T Instructor & Healer
Thanks to Carolinda's integrity, thorough research, her life experiences and her ability to share her many gifts I have found my T5T Teacher Training to be one of the most comprehensive units of learning and practice that I have undertaken to date.
I have found that the knowledge gained from my T5T Teacher Training has filled in a number of gaps that I still had with relation to my yoga practice and I now not only have the confidence to share T5T with others but I have also a step-by-step guide on how to promote and mange my new business."

Bratislav Petrovic, Electronics Engineer, Registered T5T instructor, Gita International Diploma of Teaching Hatha Yoga, Reiki master, Inner Peace Meditation Teacher
"I had my ear drum damaged and felt realty dizzy when I had to spin during dancing. Around 4 years ago I learnt The Five Rites. Having done the Rites for a few weeks I went to a park with my kids who persuaded me to go on a swing. I started slowly and discovered that I could once again enjoy the swing and later on to even dance. I’ve been doing the Five Rites daily since then. "

Sandy Rowe - Club Manager for over 55's, Vic
"I have been an instructor of T5T for about 4 weeks now. In this time I have taught 17 elderly people from 60-84 years old - but now young!!! The experience has been so emotional for me to see these people firstly doing the Rites (still Tabletop the hardest for them - but getting stronger) and secondly reaping the rewards.
It may seem trivial to some people however, ladies who have had incontinence, no longer need to wear panty liners etc. as they have discovered their pelvic floor muscles. We often take this for granted however they advise me - their generation were never told about this or never talked about it. The embarrassment, odour and cost were all factors.
Others have been energised and been told how well they look. They are loving all the attention and compliments. How often does a 70 or 80 year old receive compliments? There has also been a marked improvement in their self esteem and posture.
In addition to this, I have had another workshop with 8 people and looking forward to my next workshop with 10 on Saturday. That will be 35 in my first 4 weeks.
I love being able to change the lives of people in such a happy and positive way. Of course some of the people have had a detox affect, which is also terrific and we are working onwards and upwards with them.
I have made so many friends that not only has T5T changed their lives, it has changed mine."

Tory Davidson, Registered T5T Instructor, Holistic Kinesiologist, Skin Therapist from Young, NSW, Australia
As a Holistic Kinesiologist I encourage visualizations and meditations. I also offer the idetox program within my Clinic. With this procedure my clients are required to be stationary for at least 30 minutes, and so it was a perfect opportunity to incorporate meditation within the treatment. For this I use Carolinda Witt's audio CD, which includes three meditations that focus on the Breath. The response from my clients has been of total relaxation and awareness of the power of the "Healing Breath". They just love it and have commented how wonderful it is to just STOP and BREATHE!!!!!!!!!

Craig Gowan - General Manager, Business & Management, Registered T5T Instructor
My interest in T5T has been fuelled by 8 years of yoga practice, all of which I enjoyed, but none of which gave me the energy boost I was after. T5T provides me with the energy I need to easily cope with the challenges of work and personal life. It gives me more focus, the stamina for long days training, and the calmness to enjoy even the most draining situations - all for 10 minutes a day!! Nothing else can give me this boost. "

Jane Walsh, Registered T5T Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Dip Sales & Marketing from South Australia
"I have been delighted in the reduction of my personal stress, & ability to cope with a job that requires me daily to multi-task. whilst managing a team. And after many years of uncontrollable Sciatica, I now have relief! "

Peter Hagerty - Founder - The Source Foundation
"T5T is an easy and powerful exercise routine that only reveals its true effectiveness when undertaken. It cannot be described adequately in words. Within a week of commencement my mind was clearer, my energy more constant and my sense of purpose more defined. Powerful and subtle stuff. "

Mary Nelson - Events Manager, Usana Australia Pty
"The training was fantastic, each person was given all the attention and time they needed and everyone was treated with dignity and respect. The supporting material contains all the information needed to keep participants on track. I can't praise Carolinda and T5T highly enough and feel privileged to have had the opportunity to learn such a life enhancing technique.
10 minutes "me time" a day to improve health and vitality in the privacy of your own home or hotel room - it really is that simple."

Catherine Gross - Film Technician, Registered T5T Instructor
"Working 10 hours a day on film sets is tiring & stressful. I had real concerns about the long drives I had to take as I would often fall asleep at the wheel. Sometimes I was so tired I would nod off on the way to work. Since taking up T5T I have no such worries any more. I sleep better & wake refreshed. T5T sets me up like nothing else & a quick session at the end of the day lets me drive with confidence. It really is a life saver! "

Kerina Condous - Marketing & Communications Manage
"T5T is very beneficial in a work environment as it supports common goals and shared experience. Carolinda as a trainer exemplifies the T5T approach to life. Her very human training supported by her expertise made the overall experience very impactful. "

Barbara Mair – Treasurer 55+ Club
"I am in my 70’s and have recently had heart surgery. Since starting T5T my sleeping has improved and I have more energy. I am thoroughly enjoying this type of exercise and never miss doing it. I have a set routine now. "

Brian Fogerty - Airline Pilot from Ireland
..."I am about a month into the T5T program and a quick thank you too you and yours for putting together an excellent package. I work as an Airline pilot and finding the benefits both from core muscle development and breathing exercises."...

John Clemones - Managing Director - Special Tools & Storage Systems Pty Ltd, Registered T5T Instructor
"I've been doing T5T every day for the last 3 years. I've lost 7 kilos in weight and it stays off without any additional effort!! I've got so much more energy and I feel better all-round. I am less stressed, happy and able to plan my days better. The stiffness in my fingers is much better - almost non-existent. My friends are always saying how much better I look. "

Iain McGregor. Sales Director - Biozone Scientific
"Starting your day with T5T is pure joy. The only way to start your day - every day. It rejuvenates your body, your mind and your spirit in a just few minutes each day. If I had not done it myself, I would find it impossible to appreciate its power. I urge you to add it today to your list of things to do."

Roma Gaster - Corporate Consultant/Facilitator from Sydney, Australia
"As a result of doing T5T I am experiencing more energy, body strength and tone. I'm sleeping better and find that I'm more alert and aware of self and others. I have experienced physical and emotional calmness."

Gill Stapleton General Manager - Usana Pty Ltd
"T5T became so much part of my daily routine I offered it to my sales team, so that we could apply the principles of T5T to the work environment. It was a great way to build team spirit and has resulted in a more open and harmonious group. I have noticed staff are calmer and better organised in their daily routine. Many team building activities focus only on getting a teams to work together better, T5T offers them a approach to daily living that they can bring to work everyday. "