"I never thought it would be possible to gain more energy and become more relaxed in only 10 minutes a day. But T5T manages just that. Amazing." Paul Wilson, bestselling author of The Little Book of Calm.
T5T helps you handle stress better. It gives you some space before reacting. I view my T5T practice as the rod of iron inside me around which chaos revolves.
When you practice T5T, you'll notice you are calmer and more centered. You are less volatile as your buttons don’t get pushed as easily.
You're able to live more fully in the present moment instead of constantly rushing for some imagined future event. This increased awareness makes for a happier, more fulfilling life.
Today many people exercise with music blaring, watching TV, or even reading books as they cycle away at the gym. With T5T, it is best to consider it a meditation in motion. That doesn't mean you have to do it really slowly (unless you want to) - it means that you remain conscious and present in your body while practicing the movements. Increasing your focus and attention in this way is very calming and centering.
Doing The Five Tibetan Rites in this mindful manner, completely balances you for the day ahead. Practiced daily when doing your T5T routine - this continuous reinforcement changes your approach to stress, and your life begins to improve.
..."T5T offers a ritual of breathing away the tensions both physically and emotionally; it offers a daily opportunity to stretch and strengthen the body as well as release the issues that we all carry in the moments of living our lives. As part of a process of both physical, emotional, and psychological well being I can recommend T5T. It has become a part of my life and a valuable part of both starting my day and creating a sense of well-being. T5T bridges the gap between the psychological and the physical and offers an effective and quick exercise ritual that enhances well being, vitality, and inner strength. "...Barry Zworestine. Clinical Psychologist; B.A.(Honours); M.A. Clinical Psychology M.A.P.S.
In general, depressed people are physically sedentary, according to researchers. The good news is that exercise is associated with an anti-depressive effect in patients with mild to moderate forms of depression. However, the exercise does not have to aerobic, as similar results can be obtained with non-aerobic forms of exercise - think T5T!
Use Your Breathing To Calm Your Mind
A simple way of calming yourself is to breathe deeper & slower. Even if your mind is racing ahead with lists & deadlines, simply slow your breathing rate - and your mind will slow too.
There is mounting clinical evidence of the benefit of yogic breathing in the treatment and relief of suffering for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and coping with disaster.
T5T® 's "Energy Breathing" method or one of the following three techniques can be used at any time to achieve this calming effect. They help clear the 'fog' & 'noise' out of the mind - so you feel refreshed and focused again.
Remember, it is now proven without any doubt that reducing stress enhances sleeping patterns, improves health, and decreases anxiety, depression, and anger.
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