There are NO instructions for breathing given when practicing The Five Rites (movements themselves) in either the original 1939 or 1946 versions of The Eye of Revelation published by Peter Kelder. It is only in later books by other publishers (including myself), that breathing is expanded upon.
There are two exceptions- The 6th Rite, is a breathing exercise
- On page 20, when asked if anything else goes with the Five Rites, Kelder writes, "stand erect with hands on hips between the Five Rites and take one or two breaths."
I included breathing simply because it is such a vital contributor to our overall health, energy, and well-being.
Breathing is so significant. It supplies life-giving energy (prana, chi) as well as oxygen to our bodies & removes wastes.
Most significantly, a number of clinical studies have proven that how well you breathe literally dictates your lifespan! Consider this:
The average person reaches peak respiratory function and lung capacity in their mid 20's. Then they begin to lose respiratory capacity: between 10% and 27% for every decade of life! So, unless you are doing something to maintain or improve your breathing capacity, it will decline, and with it, your general health, your life expectancy, and for that matter, your spirit as well.
Did you know that given an optimal diet, the respiratory system should be responsible for eliminating 70% of your metabolic waste? The remainder should be eliminated through defecation 3%, urination 8%, and perspiration 19%. So, if you think that going to the bathroom every day is important, or that working up a good sweat now and then is healthy, think again about the value of full free optimal breathing!
However, despite clearly being able to breathe - most people do not breathe properly or effectively. They either over breathe or under breathe – using a fraction of their lung capacity.
When you are stressed or anxious, do you find that you take shallow rapid breaths from your chest or hold your breath? Do you yawn or sigh a lot?
Did you know that the way you breathe affects how you feel? Breathing rapidly is associated with the ‘flight and fight’ response of the body, whereas breathing slowly and deeply is associated with the ‘rest and relaxation’ response of the body. By adjusting your breathing, you can directly influence your mind.
- It is very important to improve your breathing. The breathing muscles like all the muscles in your body need to be used! The better your breathing, the healthier you will be and the longer you will live.
- A number of clinical studies* have proven that your lung function is literally a measurement of your potential life span!
Animals that breathe the slowest, live the longest – think of tortoises, whales etc.
If you are taking the time to do a daily energy raising exercise routine (5 Tibetans) – it makes perfect sense to include natural full breathing with the movements. Breathing in fills your body with life-giving oxygen, and breathing out eliminates toxins and wastes.
T5T® teaches you how to breathe slower, deeper, fuller, and with less tension. Our ‘Energy Breathing Technique’ is completed three times between each Rite. Plus, we instruct you on how to breathe correctly while performing the Rites.
If you want to find how well you breathe – try breathing expert & contributor to T5T®’s breathing methods; Mike White whose free online breathing tests– have been done by around 85,000 people so far.
…"Breathing slower, deeper and easier is vital for longevity, health and vitality. I believe that T5T can help most people become more conscious of their breathing. It can also release tension in their breathing, and often gradually expand their breathing capacity as well as slow their breathing rate."… Michael Grant White, www.optimalbreathing.com
If you need more in-depth information on improving your breathing, check out Anders Anderson's Conscious Breathing courses and products.
- The Framingham study These researchers were able to foretell how long a person was going to live by measuring forced exhalation breathing volume, FEV1 and hypertension. We know that much of hypertension is controlled by the way we breathe. "Long before a person becomes terminally ill, vital capacity can predict life span." William B. Kannel of BostonSchool of Medicine (1981)
- University at Buffalo. Schunemann HJ, Dorn J, Grant BJB, Winkelstein W, Jr., Trevisan M. Pulmonary Function Is a Long-term Predictor of Mortality in the General Population 29-Year Follow-up of the Buffalo Health Study. Chest 2000;118 (3)656-664.
- University of Pavia, Italy discovered that slowing the respiratory rate to 6 breaths a minute reduces shortness of breath, improves pulmonary gas exchange and exercise performance in patients with CHF. Practicing slow and deep breathing thus can be beneficial in heart failure or in other diseases. (Source: Lancet. 1998 May 2; 351(9112):1308-11.)
Read more on how to breathe when practicing the Five Tibetan Rites. And whether you should breathe through the nose or the mouth.
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