June 5, 2019

Giving Up The Five Tibetan Rites! What Happens?

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  • Giving Up The Five Tibetan Rites! What Happens?

Why do people stop doing the Five Tibetan Rites when they get so many benefits; and what happens if they do? Even if the benefits are not as great as they anticipated, or they have become less noticeable over time?

We call it 'falling off the wagon!' Many people learn and practice the rites, and while many people continue to practice them for years and years (I know of one older man in his 80's who has practiced them for 20 years) - others give up.

The key to long-term practice is the ability to maintain a habit, pattern, or routine. This is the No. 1 difference between those who keep on practicing The Five Tibetan Rites and those who give up. The key is the motivation.

When I've asked students why they gave up practicing the Rites, they said: "I just got out of the habit." Then immediately afterward, "But I felt so much better when I did them. That's it: I'm going to get back to doing them again."

Interestingly some of the people I asked had practiced the Rites for years. They explained that they started by cutting out one day at a time, which then became two days, or three days, etc. until finally, they stopped altogether. This was despite the fact they were getting benefits - it was just that other things took priority.

Why do people stop?


Often there was an event that precipitated this decline.

  • They got sick
  • Went on holiday
  • Were too busy with work
  • Change of residence or location. 
  • Concerned about disturbing others
  • They got lazy
  • Their relationship broke up
  • Someone close became ill or died
  • Their life got too busy, and they had no spare time

Then there are more mundane reasons: the room where I practice is too small, too cold, too uninspiring. My dog, cat, or child always jumps on me when I practice. The carpet slips, or I don't have a yoga mat. All these things can be fixed, of course, but, once again, its how to find the motivation. 

The truth is, if you want to maintain a long-term or even lifetime practice - you need to find MORE reasons to DO them - than NOT to do them.

This method is useful to anything you are finding it hard to stick to. It is inspired by the work of Dr John Demartini, who is considered one of the world's leading authorities on human behavior and personal development.

How would it be if doing The Five Tibetan Rites daily was linked to helping you achieve your purpose or goals in life? Suddenly the picture is much bigger, agreed?

Try this: Get a pen and paper and write down the seven areas of your life as headings - leaving enough space to write around 30 or more benefits under each item:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Familial
  3. Vocational
  4. Financial
  5. Mental
  6. Physical
  7. Social

For each of these areas of your life, write down 25 to 30 ways in which doing the Rites daily can help you achieve/fulfill your life mission, purpose or goals. 

For example. 

  • When I do the Rites daily, I have a razor-sharp mental focus, and I don't feel so stressed.
  • Being recognized for my clear and calm approach to work is important to my ongoing success in my company. 
  • I am more self-disciplined and have more control over my eating habits.
  • My body is stronger and more flexible, and I have taken up other forms of exercise. 
  • I have more energy to spend doing interesting things with my children.

Some areas will have more benefits than others. This means that some areas of your life are more important to you than others, and reflects the hierarchy of your values in life (what matters most to you).

At the end of this exercise, write down a concise statement that encapsulates your findings from the exercise above - and read it daily to keep yourself on track.

You might be surprised at what you learn about yourself!


So What Does Happen If I Stop Practicing the Five Tibetan Rites?

When you stop practicing the Rites, you naturally lose the benefits you have gained over a period of time. They don't just go immediately. This is because the chakras start spinning more slowly or unevenly again. When the chakras slow down the Qi (Prana, Life-Force) flows less freely through the body. It is the free flow of Qi that enervates and keeps the body/mind young and vital. 

People who have stopped doing the Rites report the following:

  • A significant reduction in energy, calmness and well-being
  • Seem to catch colds and flu etc. more often
  • Return or onset of stiffness or loss of flexibility and strength
  • Loss of muscle tone
  • Loss of self-discipline and mental focus
  • Feel lazy and unmotivated
  • Less active or loss of interest in doing things

If you have been practicing the Rites for a long time and stop, remember that you are chronologically older than when you began. This will affect the degree of change you experience simply because you have aged in this period.

We are brought up to believe things get better when you find the right partner, have children, the kids grow up, etc. Some would say, "aging doesn't get better." Whether you believe that or not, it is worth investing such a little time of day (10 - 15 mins) to hedge your bets! I, for one, want to live a full life for as long as I can. Doing the Rites daily is part of that strategy.

Stopping the Rites is like turning the dimmer down on the light switch!

To get re-inspired - complete the exercise above and re-read the story of the monks which you can download for free below.

Click links to Download

  1. FREE eBook, The Eye of Revelation
  2. FREE Five Tibetan Posters
  3. Learn The Five Tibetan Rites

© This work is the intellectual property of its author and is fully copyrighted. It may not be copied or republished in any medium (including but not limited to electronic and print media) without the express permission of the author. All rights are reserved.

About the author 

Carolinda Witt

Author of a number of books about The Five Tibetan Rites, including "The Illustrated Five Tibetan Rites," and her bestselling T5T Five Tibetans DVD. Carolinda has been practicing and teaching the Five Tibetan Rites for 23 years. She is one of the world's foremost experts on the Five Tibetans Rites. She has further developed the original teachings to create a safer, more complete version of the Five Tibetan Rites called T5T® (The Five Tibetans.)

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