1. Are The Five Tibetan Rites suitable For You? What's The Best Way To Learn Them?

You may be someone who has noticed the first signs of aging (and everyone is aging!) and wants to do something about it. If this is you, I do understand! You are probably highly motivated to try and ‘stop-the-clock!’
Or you may be time poor (or financially constrained) and want a daily exercise & wellness program that doesn't take long to practice - is fun - and doesn't keep on costing you money!
Bear in mind that if you are largely sedentary (most Westerners are) - you will need to pursue any form of new exercise with safety and caution in mind.
What is your current state of fitness? How stiff are you? Are you overweight? Have you ever had a back injury or experienced back or neck pain? Do you have weak wrists or other muscular weaknesses?
The good news is that T5T®'s method of learning and practicing the original Rites builds your strength and flexibility gradually through a step-by-step program (and is what the monks recommended). This method takes you from beginner level through to intermediate, advanced & beyond.
T5T® incorporates core stability, which ensures that the deepest muscles closest to your spine - wrap around it like a natural corset - protecting and supporting it throughout the whole routine. This is very important.
If you have done yoga before or you are already reasonably fit: Is core stability part of your workout? Do you know how to establish and maintain neutral spine and neutral pelvis, while keeping your head and neck in line with your spine?
How good is your breathing? Apart from being good at pranayama, do you know what natural, full breathing should feel like? Are all your breathing spaces able to open fully? Do you have tension in your breathing? How are your stress levels? Do you find yourself breathing rapidly in the upper chest, holding your breath, yawning or sighing?
Carry out the Free Breathing Tests developed by T5T's breathing consultant and expert Michael Grant White to assess yourself correctly.
Read my full article here for more in-depth information.
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© This work is the intellectual property of its author and is fully copyrighted. It may not be copied or republished in any medium (including but not limited to electronic and print media) without the express permission of the author. All rights are reserved.
2. Why Did You Modify The Original Tibetan Five Rites?

Modifying the Rites in response to individual needs is normal, and responsible - and in fact, Colonel Bradford, the protagonist in the original book The Eye of Revelation written in 1939, reports the following:
Some people, acting on their own initiative, invent little aids for their practices. An old fellow in India found it impossible for him to perform Rite Number Four properly even once. He wouldn’t be satisfied with just getting his body off the floor; he was determined that it should reach a horizontal position as the Rite prescribed. So he got a box about ten inches high and two and a half feet long. Upon this, he put some bedding folded to the right size, and across this padded box he lay flat on his back. Then, with his feet on the floor at one end and his hands on the floor at the other, he found it quite simple to raise his body to a horizontal position."
I used to teach the original Rites but modified them (while keeping their integrity intact) due to the experience & knowledge I gained in teaching thousands of people these ancient movements.
To be fair, our modern western lifestyle is very different from that of the monks. They lived in the steep Himalayas, and would have had to be very fit to walk up and down those mountains! Their food production, preparation, and day to day tasks would have kept them physically active. Since the Rites were part of their daily practice, they probably started practicing them at a very early age.
Apart from the movements being beneficial - the TRUE purpose of the Tibetan 5 Rites as described by the monks is:
…”The body has seven centres, which, in English, could be called Vortexes. These are kind of magnetic centres. They revolve at great speed in the healthy body, but when slowed down – well that is just another name for old age, ill health and senility. The quickest way to regain health, youth, and vitality is to start these magnetic centres spinning again. There are but five practices that will do this. Any one of them will be helpful, but all five are required to get glowing results. These five exercises are really not exercises at all, in the physical culture sense. The Lamas think of them as 'Rites' so instead of calling them exercises or practices, we too, shall call them 'Rites.'...
The changes I have made to the original routine, do not adversely affect the spin rate of the chakras – the whole purpose of performing the Rites. They do, however significantly improve the physical aspects of the movements, making them safer & more achievable for just about everyone to perform.
And most significantly - for the first time since the original book was published in 1939, ALL the tips, secrets, methods, common problems and solutions are outlined in-depth! You can be sure you are doing them correctly.
To get this into perspective, let’s do some maths! If you carry out the required 21 repetitions per posture every day for one whole year, you will have carried out 7665 repetitions of each posture – or 38,325 for all five Rites.
Before you get frightened by these numbers, remember you build up from just 3 repetitions in your first week, adding only two per week until you are dong the required 21 in 10 week’s time. Remember, too, that many thousands if not millions of people from 12 to 80+ years old, practice them all over the world.
However, you can now understand how important it is to have your alignment, control, posture, and balance correct from the very beginning. This in-depth information on how to do the Rites correctly can only be found in the T5T® material. The original book, Download Here contains just two illustrations per posture and very limited text.
Here are the main differences between T5T and the original Rites:
- Addition of Core Stability - to activate the deepest muscles of the trunk that wrap around the spine like a natural weight belt – protecting it & keeping the spine stable
- Series of Steps - to build strength & flexibility safely & gradually
- Focus on correct alignment from start to finish to prevent the development of muscular imbalances
- Avoids collapsing the lumbar or cervical spine to avoid compression of vertebrae & discs in the lower back and neck
- Prevents using the momentum of the movement – instead of strength & co-ordination – to avoid straining or injuring the lower back or neck
- Addition of Energy Breathing – for improved health & vitality & boost the effects of the Rites
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© This work is the intellectual property of its author and is fully copyrighted. It may not be copied or republished in any medium (including but not limited to electronic and print media) without the express permission of the author. All rights are reserved.
3. Why Would I Pay For Your T5T Materials When Information On The Five Tibetan Rites Is Freely Available Online?

You can get the original 1939 book about the discovery of the Five Tibetan Rites, The Eye of Revelation free here as well!
This same booklet has been renamed (often including the words ‘Fountain of Youth’) and re-edited by various companies and individuals many times - is currently sold on the internet for US $8.90 up to US $35!
You can also obtain free articles that include excerpts and diagrams taken from the original books. It may appear as if the person writing these notes is an ‘expert’ on the Rites – when in fact they just have a personal practice they wish to share. It all depends on what you are looking for.
Regardless of which version you obtain or purchase, they all have very limited illustrations (just two per movement) and descriptive text in common. This might be sufficient for you if you are fit and healthy without any previous history of back, neck, shoulder, hip or wrist pain (or injury). Or perhaps, if you have already developed good body/mind awareness from practicing other sports or exercises like yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, etc.
The T5T Method (an abbreviation for 'The Five Tibetan Rites & Energy Breathing Program') - was developed out of the experience of teaching thousands of people these ancient movements – through workshops, private tuition, books, DVD, videos, Instructor Training Programs (and now a new digital Masterclass available online). People are all so different, and no one-size-fits-all method is suitable for everyone. Even the protagonist in the "Eye of Revelation" story; Colonel Bradford describes a student's need to modify the 4th Rite.
Some people, acting on their own initiative, invent little aids for their practices. An old fellow in India found it impossible for him to perform Rite Number Four properly even once. He wouldn’t be satisfied with just getting his body off the floor; he was determined that it should reach a horizontal position as the Rite prescribed. So he got a box about ten inches high and two and a half feet long. Upon this he put some bedding folded to the right size, and across this padded box he lay flat on his back. Then, with his feet on the floor at one end and his hands on the floor at the other he found it quite simple to raise his body to a horizontal position.
For the first time since the original book was published in 1939 - T5T® reveals ALL the tips, secrets, methods, common problems & solutions - in- depth! You can be sure you are doing them correctly and safely.
T5T® is a system of learning these ancient movements which has been developed by teachers to meet the needs of their students.
I guess the real question you need to ask is Which method of learning the rites is best for you?"
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© This work is the intellectual property of its author and is fully copyrighted. It may not be copied or republished in any medium (including but not limited to electronic and print media) without the express permission of the author. All rights are reserved.
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